Services Directory
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Aberdeenshire Council
North Aberdeen:
Greenbanks Traveller Site is a seasonal Gypsy/Traveller site, open from beginning of April to the end of September. The site has 20 good size pitches with amenity chalets with a separate toilet and shower, utility area and electric card pay as you go meters.
Due for refurbishment in October this year.
South Aberdeen:
Aikey Brae Gypsy/Traveller Transit Site is open all year round. The site has 10 good sized pitches, all of which have a chemical toilet and an electric hook up, (electric cards are available to purchase), waste bins are provided and water is available. Pitches are available for two weeks but this can be extended with prior permission.
Contact Di Faithfull for prices and availability.
Areas served: Scotland
Main contact and job role: Di Faithfull
Contact details
Address: Greenbanks Traveller Site Bridge Road Banff, Scotland, AB45 1HE
Tel: 07795238423
Action for Carers Surrey
Supporting unpaid carers of all ages in Surrey. We provide information, advice and support for carers including benefits advice, advocacy, guidance on moving and handling, wellbeing events and support groups in Carer Hubs and online, free resources and more.
Areas served: Surrey
Main contact and job role: Rachel Brennan
Contact details
Address: Astolat, Coniers Way Burpham Guildford GU4 7HL
Tel: 0303 040 1234
Advance Charity
Specialist support by women and for women and girls, to achieve safety, justice and equality, supporting survivors of domestic abuse and the criminal justice system. If you feel afraid and unsafe, their specialist staff can support you over the phone or in person. Theyโll listen without judgement and wonโt force or rush you into making any decisions.
Please note: Help with the criminal justice system is available in Thames Valley, Bedfordshire, Kent, Essex/Hertfordshire, Hampshire via a referral from your probation officer.
Areas served: London (Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster), Thames Valley, Bedfordshire, Kent, Essex/Hertfordshire, Hampshire
Contact details
Address: Hudson Yard House, 1A Onega Gate, London SE16 7PG ยท
Tel: 0800 059 0108 (Domestic Abuse- Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster), 020 3981 8486 (Criminal Justice Services- London North), 020 8563 2225 (Criminal Justice Services- London West), 020 3096 6488 (Criminal Justice Services- London East)
Advisory Service for Squatters
The Advisory Service For Squatters is a collective of workers and volunteers who have been providing legal and practical advice for squatters and other homeless people since 1975. They publish The Squatters Handbook - providing over a hundred pages of detailed legal and practical information about squatting and homelessness in England and Wales.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX
Tel: 02032 160099
Fax: 02032 160098
Alzheimerโs Society West Sussex
We help people to understand more about dementia, the risk factors, symptoms and how to get a diagnosis. We provide help and support to those who are adjusting to living with a diagnosis of dementia.
Areas served: West Sussex
Contact details
Address: 51 Bishopric, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1QJ
Tel: 01403 213017
Ando Glaso
Ando Glaso work principally to support Roma people, encouraging greater understanding and participation in the cultural heritage of the Roma people in Scotland. This has included various projects, such as the Ando Glaso collective, which elicits participation from Roma musicians, bringing together Roma communities in Scotland.
Areas served: Scotland
Main contact and job role: Jรกnos Lang - Creative Director
Contact details
Address: CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JD
Tel: +44-787-29-188-29 โ
Armagh Travellers Support Group
Armagh Travellers Support Group assist Travellers to identify their needs and to support them to ensure those needs are met through the adoption of a community development approach and promote the development of anti-racist policies and practice which give protection to Travellers. This includes health and social well-being, accommodation, education, welfare rights, capacity building, training and employment.
Areas served: Armagh
Main contact and job role: Fidelma Fearon McCoy
Contact details
Address: Armagh Travellers Support Group, Ward 1, St Lukes Hospital, Armagh, Co Armagh BT61 7NQ
Tel: 02837 412755 or 07702 184355
Article 12 in Scotland
Article 12 believe that governments, professionals, and the wider community should all play a role in building an environment that respects, values and validates the contributions of young people. Article 12 support young Gypsy/Travellers to access learning and development opportunities that empower them to participate at all levels of society.
Areas served: Scotland
Main contact and job role: Leslie Drury, National Co-Co-ordinator
Contact details
Address: Unit 12, John Player Building, Stirling Enterprise Park, Stirling, FK7 7RP
Tel: 01786 437914
Astley Caravans
Astley Caravans have been selling new and used caravans in North West for over 40 years and have been firmly established as the number one dealership when it comes to static caravans, boasting one of the largest showgrounds of new and used static caravans.
Areas served: Manchester
Contact details
Address: 60 South Ln, Tyldesley, Manchester, Greater Manchester M29 7DF
Tel: 01942 702648
Atchen Tan
Atchen Tan are a mobile home/caravan rental company.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: F15, The Bloc, 38 Springfield Way, Hull, HU10 6RJ
Tel: 07780 471452 or 07778 852 539
Bath and North East Somerset Councils
Traveller Education Liaison Officers working to support all aspects of education for children and young people from Romany Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater communities.
Areas served: Bath and North East Somerset
Main contact and job role: Lucie Barber and Sharon Brown
Contact details
Address: Council Offices, Badminton Rd, Yate, Bristol BS37 5AF
Tel: 07917243856, 07818685865
Battens Solicitors
Battens Solicitors can assist you with advice on legal issues arising on planning applications and also help you successfully progress a planning application through the system. Where there are breaches of planning control Battens Solicitors can help defend against enforcement action and advise on how to regularise breaches.
Areas served: London / South West
Contact details
Address: Mansion House, Princes Street, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1EP
Tel: 01935 846001
Bedford Borough Council โ Traveller Liaison Officer
Areas served: Bedford borough
Main contact and job role: Sharon Wilson, Traveller Liaison Officer
Contact details
Address: Bedfordshire County Council, County Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP
Tel: 07795038849
Ben Hoare Bell Solicitors
Cris McCurley, Partner at BHB Solicitors, has spent his entire career with Black and minority ethnic, including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller clients who are experiencing domestic abuse, child abduction, interventions in families by social services, and has worked closely with NGOs who support these groups to provide a holistic service, support and culturally informed legal advice and services.
Areas served: Newcastle, Sunderland, Gateshead, Teeside
Main contact and job role: Cris McCurley, Partner and Head of International Family Law
Contact details
Address: Ouseburn Point, 40 Shields Road, Byker, Newcastle, NE6 1DR
Tel: 0191 2752626
Brighton and Hove Energy Services Co-operative (BHESCo) is a social enterprise dedicated to accelerating the transition to efficient buildings and local sustainable energy. They can provide help and advice to save you money on your energy bills.
Areas served: Brighton & Hove
Contact details
Address: Freedom Works (Office 3.13), Barts House, Black Lion Street, Brighton BN1 1JE
Tel: 01273 284470, 0800 999 6671
Bindmans LLP
Bindmans LLP are a highly successful London firm offering a range of specialist legal services. We are proud of our heritage, our people and our reputation for excellence and for being at the cutting edge of legal developments. Bindmans LLP teams work professionally, economically and creatively at the cutting edge of law, developing it to promote fairness and justice in the legal system and, where we can, in society.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Address: 236 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB
Tel: 020 7833 4433
Fax: 020 7837 9792
Birmingham Irish Association
Birmingham Irish is the Midlands' leading charity providing welfare and cultural services to the Irish community. Services include welfare advice, extensive information service, alcohol and substance misuse, family support (including service provision within the school setting), general information like passport and pensions advice as well as family ancestry tracing.
Areas served: Birmingham
Main contact and job role: Roisin Mason, Volunteer Co-ordinator and Traveller Research Worker
Contact details
Address: St Anne's Parish Centre, Alcester Street, Deritend, Birmingham B12 0PH
Tel: 0121 604 6111
Fax: 0121 604 6662
Bishop & Sewell LLP
Bishop & Sewell LLP offer a range of services for the individual including, but not limited to: bankruptcy and personal insolvency, litigation and dispute resolution, trusts, tax and estates, family relationships and divorce international matters, employment advice immigration law and property matters.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Address: 59-60 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HP
Tel: 020 7631 4141
Blackburn with Darwin Borough Council
Ewood Traveller Site is a permanent Gypsy/Traveller site. The site has 20 good size pitches with amenity chalets with a separate toilet and shower, utility area and electric card pay as you go meters
Areas served: North West
Main contact and job role: Hobie Buchannon
Contact details
Address: Housing Standards Team Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council Environment & Operations Department Davyfield Depot Roman Road Industrial Estate Blackburn BB1 2LX
Tel: 01254 585 585
Bolton Council โ Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Service
The Gypsy and Traveller Liaison manage the local authority's registered caravan park and are able to support with matters related to roadside camps.
Areas served: Bolton
Contact details
Address: Community Housing Service, Ground Floor, 2-16 Mayor Street, Bolton, BL3 5HT
Tel: 01204 335217
BPS Solicitors
BPS solicitors have 40 years experience working with Gypsy and Traveller communities. Main areas of work include injunction proceedings, statutory reviews of planning decisions including judicial reviews. BPS solicitors have a family law contract with the legal aid agency and undertake care proceedings and all other family matters.
Areas served: Chesham
Main contact and job role: Jeremy Browne, Partner and Solicitor
Contact details
Address: 85 High Street, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1DE
Tel: 01494 782244
Fax: 01494 791581
Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice
Free, confidential and impartial advice on a range of topics. There for everyone.
Areas served: Brighton & Hove
Contact details
Address: Offices Tisbury Road, Hove BN3 3BQ
Tel: 08082 78 78 15
Brighton & Hove City Council โ Traveller Liaison Service
The Traveller Liaison Team can:
- support travelling communities access services such as health and education
- speak to landowners and other residents of the City about roadside camps
- The team also manages the permanent Traveller site at St Michael's Way
Areas served: Brighton and Hove
Main contact and job role: Simon Grove, Administr
Contact details
Address: Brighton & Hove City Council, Bartholomew House, First Floor, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JE
Tel: 01273 292044
Brighton and Hove Traveller Education Support Unit (TESU)
Brighton and Hove Traveller Education Support Service works to improve access, achievement and engagement in education. The service provides a link with parents/carers and communities and provide advice and guidance on settling in, induction and transition. We offer teaching intervention and teaching assistant support within our schools. We value and promote Traveller culture within the curriculum.
Areas served: Brighton and Hove
Main contact and job role: Sarah Berliner
Contact details
Address: EMAS, Fairlight School, St. Leonards Rd
Tel: 01273 292521 or 07771389487
Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project
The Unemployed Centre provide practical support, education, advice and much more to the unemployed and those in poor living conditions, benefit claimants, the unwaged, pensioners, families and those on low incomes. This includes: welfare advice, educational courses, housing advice, family support, a crรจche, a vegan lunch and volunteering opportunities.
Areas served: Brighton
Contact details
Address: Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project, 6 Tilbury Place, Brighton BN2 0GY
Tel: 01273 671 213 or 01273 601 211
Bristol Hate Crime & Discrimination Services
Bristol Hate Crime & Discrimination Services is a BAME led organisation providing free, confidential casework support and advocacy for victims of racist incidents and all other types of hate crime too. The organisation supports Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and communities. The GR8T+ Avon & Somerset is a constituted Gypsy, Roma and Traveller+ led project with representation from English Romany, Irish Traveller, Showman, Live Aboard Boater, Van Dweller and New Traveller communities. They are seeking representation from the Roma community.
They coordinate Bristol GRT Strategy Group and are funded to deliver Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community development work. We provide casework support to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people from across Avon and Somerset.
Areas served: Bristol
Contact details
Tel: 08001 712272
Buckinghamshire Council
Karen Ross is the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Education Officer. Karen's main role is to support families with education and sign post to other agencies who can support families. She is the lead officer working with the Traveller community in Buckinghamshire.
Areas served: Buckinghamshire
Main contact and job role: Karen Ross, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Education Officer
Contact details
Address: Buckinghamshire Council, 1st Floor, County Hall Aylesbury, HP20 1UZ
Tel: 07825 403300 or 01296 531356
Cambridgeshire County Council Public Health Gypsy Traveller Health Team
Support with health, welfare and adult education. This includes assistance with all areas of health including health appointments, understanding treatments and accessing benefits. 1:1 adult literacy lessons with tutors and support for people to gain vocational qualifications and improve employment opportunities
Areas served: Cambridgeshire
Contact details
Address: Cambridgeshire County council
Cara Sales Ltd
A family business with over 40 years experience in the caravan industry. Offering the best quality refurbished static caravans, chalets and mobile homes at the lowest prices. Cara Sales caravans are refurbished to the highest of standards by our team of skilled engineers. They are based in North Ferriby, just off the River Humber.
Cara Sales buy, sell, ship and transport any static caravan all over the UK and Europe. If you are interested in buying or indeed selling a caravan to them, make the call and one of the sales team will be happy to help guide you through the process.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Brickyard Lane Melton, North Ferriby, East Riding Of Yorkshire HU14 3HB
Tel: 01482 633750 or 07968258797
Care for the Carers (East Sussex)
Do you look after someone? It could be someone who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, could not cope without your help. Care for the Carers offers information, guidance and support for unpaid carers of all ages in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. Carers activities and carers groups also available to join.
Areas served: East Sussex
Contact details
Address: Highlight House, 8 St. Leonards Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3UH
Tel: 01323 738390
Care for Young Peopleโs Future CIC
Care for Young People's Future CIC (CFYP) supports, mentors and empowers people from the Roma community and any other background: such as EAL, refugees, BME, Looked after children (LAC) and children with special needs without a diagnoses. They raise awareness of the Roma cultural background by working in partnership with all relevant services and public bodies.
Areas served: Sheffield
Main contact and job role: Terezia Rostas
Contact details
Carers Support West Sussex
Carers Support West Sussex are dedicated to offering unpaid Carers information, guidance, and emotional support. They aim to deliver a well networked and supportive approach for each carer in the city/town or village in which they live.
Areas served: West Sussex
Contact details
Address: The Orchard 1-2 Gleneagles Court, Brighton Road, Crawley RH10 6AD
Tel: 0300 028 8888
Carers UK โ Local Support Directory
Carers UK is here to listen and give you expert information and advice that's tailored to your situation, to champion your rights and support you in finding new ways to manage at home, at work, or wherever you are. Our local support directory helps carers find local sources of support.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: 20 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4LX
Tel: 0808 808 7777 from Monday to Friday, 9am โ 6pm.
Cartridges Law
As a firm Cartridges Law are here for you when it matters. Our aim is to provide a different kind of legal service which is less formal and more approachable while remaining completely professional and achieving the best outcome for you.
Areas served: Devon
Contact details
Address: 46/47 Cowick Street, St Thomas, Exeter, EX4 1AS
Tel: 01392 256854
Central Bedfordshire Council โ Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Engagement Unit
Central Bedfordshire Council have an appointed Gypsy and Traveller Engagement Officer who works as part of the Community Safety Team to provide a point of contact for the local Gypsy and Traveller community and to continuously review the way we work with our Gypsy and Traveller residents. This is done through partnership working, site visit engagement, and a collaborative approach between teams.
Areas served: Bedfordshire
Main contact and job role: Karen Monaghan
Contact details
Address: Central Bedfordshire Council, Thorn Turn Depot, Grendall Lane (Off Thorn Road), Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire, LU5 6GJ
Tel: 0300 300 8000
Change Grow Live
We help people who are struggling with drugs or alcohol. Our services can support you through your journey to recovery. Our services are free and confidential. Theyโre open to anyone experiencing difficulties with drugs or alcohol.
Gravesend, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells
Areas served: South East
Contact details
Address: Gravesend, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells
Tel: 0330 128 1113
Cheshire West and Chester Council
Support and advice for families, professionals and schools for matters relating to housing, planning and education in Cheshire West and Chester. Cheshire and Warrington Traveller Team (CWTT) covers all the authorities in Cheshire and manages 2 sites with 30 pitches in total.
Areas served: Cheshire West and Chester
Main contact and job role: Dawn Taylor (accommodation) Cheshire and Warrington Traveller Team Manager (CWTT), Antoinette van Ommen (education).
Contact details
Address: Civic Way Council Offices, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 0BE.
Tel: 0151 356 6411 / 01606 271 540
Child Law Advice
Specialist advice on child, family, and education law. This service is provided via this website packed with how to guides and information pages. A dedicated intensive support telephone line is also available for complex matters and clarifying questions.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Head Office, Coram, Coram Campus, 41 Brunswick Square, London, UK, WC1N 1AZ
Tel: Family Line: 0300 330 5480, Education Line: 0300 330 5485
Child Poverty Action Group
Child Poverty Action Group develop and campaign for policy solutions to end child poverty. Providing accurate information, training and advice to the people who work with hard-up families, to make sure they get the financial support they need. The service carries out high profile legal work to establish and confirm families' rights. Please note: unable to offer advice to members of the public, this service is for advisers.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: 30 Micawber Street, London N1 7TB
Tel: 020 7837 7979
Fax: 020 7253 0599
Childrenโs Law Centre
Children's Law Centre legal services are child focussed and the child is always the client. Work to ensure that public authorities, tribunals and courts recognise children as rights holders with the right to express their views and have those views taken into account. Children's Law Centre ensure that the voice of the child is always heard. Young people can email
Areas served: Northern Ireland
Contact details
Address: Rights House, 127-131 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 1SH
Tel: Young Person's Freephone Advice Line: 0808 808 5678 or Office: 028 90245704
Fax: 028 90245679
Childrenโs Services
Contact details
Chiltern โ Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice Chiltern provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to people living or working in the Chiltern and South Bucks area on their rights and responsibilities. They provide the advice people need for the problems they face, and aim to improve the policies and practices that affect people's lives.
Areas served: Buckinghamshire
Main contact and job role: Jenny Perkins, Office Manager
Contact details
Address: Barn Hall Annex, Chiltern Ave, Amersham, Bucks, HP6 5AH
Tel: 01494 545991 or Slough clients 01753 650355
Church of England Chaplaincy to Gypsies and Travellers
Rev'd Jonathan Herbert offers training for clergy and others who may be working with Gypsies and Travellers, travels around the Southwest of England with Gypsies and Travellers, and can help with mediation when tensions arise between the needs and wishes of Gypsies and Travellers and local parishes.
Areas served: Dorset and Wiltshire
Main contact and job role: Rev'd Jonathan Herbert, Chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers
Contact details
Tel: 07767 760182
Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem.
The national charity and network of local charities offer confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Tel: 0800 144 8848 England & Wales 0800 702 2020
Citizens Advice East Sussex
Free confidential and impartial advice for everyone in East Sussex
Areas served: East Sussex
Contact details
Tel: 03444 111 444
Citizens Advice in West Sussex
Free, responsible, honest advice in West Sussex
Areas served: West Sussex
Contact details
Tel: 0808 278 7969
Citizens Advice North Somerset
If you're living, working or travelling through North Somerset we can help you with benefits, housing, form-filling, disputes, hate incidents, domestic violence and more.
We don't charge. We don't judge. We don't tell.
Come and talk to us at the Advice Shop in The Sovereign, Weston-super-Mare (BS23 1AH). We are open Monday-Wednesday and Friday 9:30-4pm.
Areas served: North Somerset
Main contact and job role: Holly Law
Contact details
Address: 39 Oxford Street Weston-super-Mare BS23 1TN
Tel: 0808 278 7973
City Reach
City Reach provides healthcare services for people who find it difficult to visit mainstream GP services. The service is provided for people who are homeless, or those at risk of being homeless, sex workers, prisoners and ex-offenders, substance mis-users, Travellers and asylum seekers.
Areas served: Norfolk
Main contact and job role: Tracey Williams, Traveller Health Visitor
Contact details
Address: City Reach Health Services, Under 1 Roof, Westwick Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 4SZ,
Tel: 0800 028 7174
Community Law Partnership โ Travellers Advice Team
The Travellers Advice Team (TAT) at Community Law Partnership provides advice, assistance and representation to Gypsies and Travellers throughout England and Wales on issues to do with PSPOs, evictions, planning matters, matters involving rented sites, homelessness, cases involving boat dwellers and other related matters. TAT's service includes a dedicated Gypsy and Traveller Helpline.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: 4th Floor, Clarence Chambers 39 Corporation Street Birmingham B2 4LS
Tel: 01216858595
Fax: 01212 365121
Community Renewal Trust
Community renewal trust is an organisation based in Scotland, which aims to alleviate and eradicate poverty in small, deprived neighbourhoods, using whole-person, whole-neighbourhood approaches. They have worked in seventeen neighbourhoods and achieved huge impact both in terms of supporting individuals and building sustainable community capacity/leadership.
In two neighbourhoods they have created and then spun-out independent community development trusts. Currently they focus their work in three neighbourhoods across Scotland โ each acting like a community development trust but within their group structure. They have got 2,000 people into education/training and 5,000 people into work.
Areas served: Scotland
Main contact and job role: John Halliday, Executive Director
Contact details
Address: Community Renewal Trust 311 Calder St, Glasgow G42 7NQ
Tel: 0141 237 4457
COMPAS (COMmunity PArtnerShip Group) was established in Peterborough in 2010 and become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in 2017. Working with marginalised and migrant communities, COMPAS Charity provides services to promote equality and diversity, and support such communities to integrate into the British society.
Contact details
Address: 927, Bourges Boulevard, Peterborough, PE1 2AN (Gladstone Park Community Centre)
Tel: 07842 244535
Connecting Roma C.I.C
Connecting Roma provides representation and support to the EU Roma community in West Yorkshire, and provides support to professionals, such as childrenโs social care, local schools and NHS. They operate an out-of-hours centre and run a number of services/projects such as ESOL, Employment support, health and wellbeing, arts and performance, and temporary supported accommodation.
Areas served: West Yorkshire
Contact details
Address: 162 Lumb Lane, Bradford, BD8 7RZ
Tel: 07821 149504
Contact offer advice for parents or carers of a child with a disability.
Contact details
Address: Wenlock Studios, 50-52 Wharf Road, London N1 7EU
Tel: 0808 808 3555
Cowans Solicitors LLP
Our Criminal Law department deals with all aspects of representation from police station to Magistrates' Court / Crown Court and to the Appeal Court if applicable. We hold a Legal Aid Contract in crime and can advise whether public funding (Legal Aid) may be available for your case.
Areas served: Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire and Berkshire
Main contact and job role: David Campbell, Criminal Defense Lawyer
Contact details
Address: Cowans Solicitors LLP, 333 Vale Road, Ash Vale, Surrey, GU12 5NH
Tel: 01306 886622 or 01252 947444
Fax: 01306 740183
Crawley Open House
Crawley Open House provides support and services for those suffering the effects of homelessness, unemployment, loneliness, discrimination, or other forms of social exclusion.
Areas served: Crawley
Contact details
Address: Riverside House, Stephenson Way, Three Bridges, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1TN
Tel: 01293447702
Deighton Pierce Glynn Solicitors
Deighton Pierce Glynn is one of the leading public interest law firms in the UK . Their work includes: actions against police, discrimination and equality social services, inquests, information rights and judicial reviews.
Areas served: England & Wales
Contact details
Address: Deighton Pierce Glynn, 33 Bowling Green Lane, London, EC1R 0BJ
Tel: 020 7407 0007
Fax: 0117 370 1036
Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group
Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group (DGLG) provides valuable assistance and information to the Gypsy community in and around Derbyshire through close relationships with local authorities and services. DGLG activities include: advising local authorities on site matters, healthcare and housing guidance, educational support for children, welfare aid and training for statutory bodies.
Areas served: Derbyshire
Main contact and job role: Siobhan Spencer, Manager
Contact details
Address: Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group PO Box 8528 Matlock DE4 9EW
Tel: 07799443830
Devon County Council โ EMTAS
Traveller Education Advisory Teacher working to support all aspects of education for children and young people from Romany Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater communities.
We can offer support with:
โข admission into school, links with parents, carers and communities, advice and direction on settling in, induction and transition
โข short-term intervention programmes, which can include in-class support
โข individualised transition programmes for Traveller pupils from primary to secondary
โข developing inclusive approaches, fostering positive relationships and planning curriculum opportunities to value and promote Traveller culture
โข catch-up teaching onsite
โข anti-racism CPD for school staff and workshops for pupils
Areas served: Devon
Main contact and job role: Ellen Tout
Contact details
Address: County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4QD
Tel: 07977606931
Dorset County Council โ Gypsy & Traveller Liaison Officer
Dorset County Council manages 50 pitches on 4 permanent sites and all roadsides camps on public land. We also manage 2 transit sites a temporary transit site for 25 caravans during the summer months. During the Great Dorset Steam Fair event, we also operate a transit site.
Areas served: Dorset
Main contact and job role: Paula Clover, Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officer
Contact details
Address: County Hall Colliton Park Dorchester DT1 1XJ
Tel: 01258 456970 or 07733476959
Durham County Council โ Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Service
Areas served: Durham
Contact details
Address: Gypsy Roma, Traveller Service, Durham County Council, Durham, DH1 5UG
Tel: 03000 260 000
East Riding of Yorkshire Council โ Gypsy & Traveller Service
Areas served: East Riding of Yorkshire
Main contact and job role: Steve Dove or Jane Parker, Gypsy Liaison Officers
Contact details
Address: County Hall, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA
Tel: 01482 396 301
East Sussex County Council โ Traveller Team
Areas served: East Sussex
Contact details
Address: East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne's Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE
Tel: 01273 481340
Education Improvement โ Equality and Diversity Team
The Education ImprovementโEquality and Diversity Team provides support to Lancashire schools, families and communities to enable pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds, particularly the most vulnerable, to fully embrace the educational opportunities available in Lancashire and achieve their potential.
Areas served: Lancashire
Main contact and job role: Roxana Sardais
Contact details
Address: ELLIE at The Faith Centre Barden Lane Burnley BB10 1JD
Tel: 01772 533111
Education Inclusion Service North Somerset Council
The Traveller Advisory Teacher works as part of the Education Inclusion Team to support Romany Gypsy, Irish Traveller and any other Traveller children to access education and achieve to their full potential. They can offer advice, support with applications and support communicating with schools and other agencies.
Areas served: North Somerset
Contact details
Address: Floor 3, 1C 23, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 1UJ
Tel: 07823362043 01275888888
Equality Advisory & Support Service
The Equality Advisory & Support Service (EASS) helpline advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights, across England, Scotland and Wales. We can also accept referrals from organisations which, due to capacity or funding issues, are unable to provide 'in depth help and support' to local users of their services local users of their services.
Areas served: England, Scotland and Wales
Contact details
Essex Countywide Traveller Unit
The Essex Countywide Traveller Unit (ECTU) is a partnership of Essex County Council, local councils, Essex Fire and Rescue Service and Essex Police. Together, they support Gypsies and Travellers to access services, including:
- supporting children into school and further education
- health services
- site and home fire safety visits
The services manages roadside camps on ECTU Partner land, and the 12 local authority sites for Gypsies and Travellers.
Areas served: Essex
Main contact and job role: Stephen Andrews
Contact details
Tel: 0345 6037624 (and choose option 3, 'all other enquiries')
European Roma Rights Centre
The European Roma Rights Centre is a Roma-led strategic litigation organisation, but we do so much more than just this. Find out more about our work in countries across Europe, and our vision for the future.
Areas served: International (Europe)
Contact details
Address: c/o Amnesty International Avenue de Cortenbergh 71, 4th floor 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Fax: 0036 1413.2201
Family Lives
Family Lives provide support and advice with parenting or family issues.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: The Annex York House, Salisbury Square, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL9 5AD
Tel: 0808 800 2222
Family Rights Group
Family Rights Group works with parents whose children are in need, at risk or are in the care system and with members of the wider family who are raising children unable to remain at home.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Family Rights Group, Second Floor, The Print House, 18 AshwinStreet, London, E8 3DL
Tel: 0808 801 0366
Fax: 020 7923 2683
FearFree support perpetrators of Domestic Abuse through behaviour change, with both male and female clients, aged 18 and over. We deliver a Healthy Relationships programme and Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme (DVPP) held weekly in Gloucester and Cheltenham. Please call if you have any questions (01452 529866)
Areas served: Gloucestershire
Contact details
Address: Head Office: Oak House, Epsom Square, White Horse Business Park, Trowbridge BA14 0XG
Tel: 01452 529866
Fenland District Council โ Traveller and Diversity Manager
Areas served: Cambridgeshire
Main contact and job role: David Bailey, Traveller and Diversity Manager
Contact details
Floaty Boat
Floaty Boat exists to reduce the likelihood of reaching crisis point. The model harnesses the strong, diverse, supportive foundations of the liveaboard boating community to create opportunities for everyone to connect, support & share; where money, background and connections donโt define you or your opportunities. Floaty Boat fundraises and maintains emergency equipment for the community to access.
Areas served: Avon
Contact details
Address: 7 The Shambles, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire BA15 1JS, UK
Foundation Darlington
Foundation Darlington - Complex Needs & Families and Young Parents projects. Both projects offering supported accommodation, floating support, and a triage service in Darlington.
Areas served: Durham and Darlington
Main contact and job role: Chris Carr
Contact details
Address: 1a Chancery Lane, Darlington, DL1 5QP
Tel: 01325 289410
Foundation Durham
Domestic Abuse service support clients who have suffered domestic abuse rebuild their lives. We help with accommodation, mental health issues, alcohol and substance abuse, finances, debt, and social services.
There are no restrictions on gender or gender identity when accessing our service.
We also offer secure supported accommodation for those who need to flee domestic abuse and support the client to maintain the property and manage a tennancy. We support to move onto independent living after reaching a level of stability after suffering domestic abuse.
Areas served: North East
Main contact and job role: Amiee Kealey
Contact details
Address: 29d Front St, Framwellgate Moor, Durham DH1 5EE
Tel: 01913862303
Friends, Families and Travellers
Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT) are a leading national charity that works on behalf of all Gypsies, Travellers and Roma regardless of ethnicity, culture or background. FFT seek to end racism and discrimination against Gypsies, Travellers and Roma and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life. FFT provide advice and consultancy, promote health and wellbeing, contribute to research and policy making, deliver training and more.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG
Tel: 01273 234 777
Furnihelp have a stock of secondhand furniture, household goods and equipment from donated items and to make these available to local people in need. The furniture is supplied free of charge, although we are always happy to accept a donation to help towards our running costs.
Areas served: Mid Sussex
Contact details
Address: Horsted Keynes Industrial Park Cinder Hill Lane, Haywards Heath RH17 7BA
Tel: 01342 811755
We are a group of 6 Showmen all woman representing our community. We are raising awareness of Showmen in education and beyond. We can help provide authentic teaching resources for schools and support schools with accurate information about Showmen.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Colleen Roper
Contact details
Address: 51 Seagate Road, Hunstanton, Norfolk, PE36 5BD
Tel: 07929779671
GATE Essex
Community led organisation by and for Romanies, Roma & Travellers. We cover the whole of Essex. Sites and bricks and mortar accommodation. For Gypsies, Roma and Ethnic Travellers of Scottish and Irish descent.
Areas served: Essex
Main contact and job role: Sherrie Smith
Contact details
GaTEWAY is an accommodation-related support service for Gypsies and Travellers across North Yorkshire. Working with single people, couples, families and older teenagers across North Yorkshire, GaTEWAY aim to support Gypsies and Travellers wishing to live independently in the community and maintain their cultural identity.
Areas served: North Yorkshire
Main contact and job role: Sabina Adams, Support Worker
Contact details
Address: Pinder House, Keighley Road, Skipton BD23 2NS
Tel: 07525 667870
Gin and Tan Spray Tanning
Mobile spray tanning business offering vegan tans, clear tans and fast tans in the comfort of your home, or from my base in Wordsley. Late night appointments available by request.
Areas served: Wolverhampton
Main contact and job role: Lucy Cross
Contact details
Address: Oak Park Road, Wordsley, Stourbridge, DY8 5YF
Tel: 07718183056
The Gingerbread Advice Service provides support and expert advice on any aspect of single parenting, from dealing with a break-up or bereavement to going back to work or sorting out child maintenance, benefit or Universal Credit issues. Our expert advisers provide tailored advice and can talk you through your options.
Contact details
Address: Unit B, Ground Floor, Mary Brancker House, 54-74 Holmes Road, London NW5 3AQ
Tel: 0808 802 0925
Gloucestershire County Council โ Traveller Liaison Officer
Areas served: Gloucestershire
Contact details
Gloucestershire Homeless Healthcare Team
Gloucestershire Homeless Healthcare Team aim to promote self-care, whilst improving access to mainstream health and social care services, with the ultimate goal of re-integrating people back into mainstream primary health care.
Areas served: Gloucestershire
Contact details
Address: Edward Jenner Court, 1010 Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4AW
Tel: 0300 421 8100
GT Planning
All types of planning and site licensing work undertaken.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Vicki Wood
Contact details
Tel: 07747784676
Guile Nicholas Solicitors (GN Law)
We are an independent law firm representing clients nationally from our offices in North Finchley, London and Tring, Hertfordshire.
Empathy, efficiency, and approachability are the qualities that lie at the heart of our work and our ethos is simple:
We listen to what our client has to say;
We give straightforward advice on the options available;
We listen to what our client wants to do.
Areas served: London and Hertfordshire
Main contact and job role: Suzette Jervier, Consultant Solicitor
Contact details
Address: 43 Lodge Lane, North Finchley, London N12 8JG
Tel: Telephone: 020 8492 2290 Out of Hours Tel: 07890 516 566
Gypsies & Travellers Essex (GATE)
We cover the whole of Essex. Sites and bricks and mortar accommodation. For Gypsies, Roma and Ethnic Travellers of Scottish and Irish descent.
Areas served: Essex
Main contact and job role: Sherrie Smith, Director
Contact details
Gypsies & Travellers Wales
Our aim is to support and enable Gypsies and Travellers to achieve a high quality and equitable standard of life. To achieve this, we provide support, advice and advocacy to improve access to suitable accommodation, public services and employment.
Areas served: Wales
Contact details
Address: Trowbridge Community Centre, Caernarvon Way, Trowbridge, Cardiff CF3 1RU
Tel: 02920 214411
Gypsy & Traveller support
Support provided to residents on the two council managed sites.
Support accessed by residents on whatever issue they may request support with.
Areas served: Sheffield
Main contact and job role: K Salinger
Contact details
Address: Accommodation & Support services, Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, Sheffield S4 7WB
Tel: 0114 2053001
Gypsy and Traveller Empowerment Hertfordshire (GATE Herts)
GATE is a community led organisation seeking to work towards the elimination of discrimination and Hate directed at Gypsy Roma and Traveller people GATE provides a platform and opportunity for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities to be heard and have a say in issues that affect their lives.
Areas served: Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire and Essex
Main contact and job role: Josie O'Driscoll, Director
Contact details
Address: GATE Herts, Suite G5, Cuffley Place, Sopers Road, Cuffley, Hertfordshire, EN6 4SG
Tel: 01707 247 088, 07597766990
Gypsy Council UK
The Gypsy Council were formed in 1966, to gain social justice, along with education, accommodation and civil rights for the Gypsy and Traveller community. Today, we are an NGO and a Company Limited by Guarantee, with those same values, that seeks dialogue with all Government departments, to gain access to education, training, employment, health care and appropriate accommodation through non confrontational means and to seek equality, civil rights, integration and respect for the cultures of the Gypsy, Roma and Travellers residing within the United Kingdom.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Roger Lee, Chair
Contact details
Gypsy Devils Orchestra
"Gypsy Devils" (Slovak name of formation "Cigรกnski Diabli") bring original, fresh and virtuous works, nobly arrangements, unusual musical combinations and a new temperament image. Tradition is enriched by their solo musical projects, by cooperation with symphonic and chamber orchestras, and many great artists.
Areas served: International (Europe)
Main contact and job role: Worldwide Manager
Contact details
Tel: '+421 903 032 191 or +421 905 611 522
Gypsy Life
Run entirely on a voluntary basis Gypsy Life has established credible and trusted relationships with Gypsy and Traveller Communities from Nottinghamshire and beyond. Gypsy Life aim to help members of the Gypsy and Traveller community to access health care, education, accommodation and to challenge discrimination at all levels.
Areas served: Nottinghamshire
Main contact and job role: Nathalie Bennett, CEO
Contact details
Address: Gypsy Corner Farm, Smeath Road, Hayton, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 9JL
Tel: 07737 051256
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) Education Team, Inclusion and Opportunity Service, Norfolk County Council
The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) Education Team in Norfolk works with schools and settings to support the progress, attainment and attendance of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children.
In our work with schools we aim to increase staff knowledge and understanding of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities so that informed consideration can be given to their particular circumstances and requirements, and so that Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils are provided with the best possible outcomes in their learning and development across all key stages of education.
We support schools and settings to provide conditions for learning that value diversity, challenge racism, promote racial equality and develop positive partnerships with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
Areas served: Norfolk
Main contact and job role: Hilary Heath
Contact details
Address: Professional Development Centre, 144 Woodside Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 9QL
Tel: 01603 495728 or 01603 303323
Gypsy, Roma Traveller Outreach and Inclusion Team โ Leeds City Council
The team supports children and young people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities to do well in learning and have skills for life by providing bespoke, specialist support and interventions that complement, rather than replace, the support provided by other teams within Childrenโs Services.
Areas served: Leeds
Contact details
Address: 3rd Floor, Tribeca House, 71 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS7 3BE
Tel: 0113 37 85033
Halton Borough Council Gypsy Liaison
Areas served: Cheshire/Halton
Main contact and job role: Stephen Boyes, Gypsy Liaison Officer
Contact details
Address: Municipal Building, Kingsway, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 7QF
Tel: 01515 117796
Hampshire County Council
Nicholas Waite and Barry Jordan-Davis are the Gypsy Liaison Team for Hampshire County Council, overseeing operations on the council site and encampments across the county.
Areas served: Hampshire
Main contact and job role: Nicholas WAITE, Gypsy Liaison Officer
Contact details
Address: Hampshire County Council, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UJ
Tel: 07736 793003 / 07736 792918
Hampshire Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS)
Hampshire Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) works to improve access, achievement and engagement in education. The service provides a link with parents/carers and communities and provide advice and guidance on settling in, induction and transition. EMTAS help develop inclusive approaches, supporting children in school and identify opportunities to value and promote Traveller culture within the curriculum.
Areas served: Hampshire
Main contact and job role: Claire Barker, Specialist Teacher Adviser
Contact details
Address: Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS), North Hampshire Hub, Dame Mary Fagan House, Chineham Court, Lutyens Close, Basingstoke RG24 8AG
Tel: 03707 794222
Hampshire Romanys
Hampshire Romanys is a new support group launching in Hampshire where the Romany community are able to meet and support Romanys with education for their children, health related issues, housing issues and any other support that the Romany community are looking for help with and encourage conversations about Romany heritage.
Areas served: Hampshire
Main contact and job role: Cherry Barney, Chair
Contact details
Tel: 01256 357835
Harrogate Maternity Voices Partnership
Supporting women who have used/are using/looking at using the maternity services in Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Areas served: Yorkshire
Main contact and job role: Jennifer Baldry
Contact details
Address: Harrogate District Hospital Lancaster Park Road HG2 7SX
Tel: 01924 317530
Hayston Development and Planning Ltd
Planning consultants actively working with Gypsy and Traveller communities. Specialising in applications in Wales.
Areas served: Wales
Main contact and job role: Andrew Vaughan-Harries, Director
Contact details
Address: The Planning Studio Hayston Bridge Johnston, Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire, SA62 3HJ
Tel: 01437 891 817
HC Planning Ltd
HC Planning provides independent planning advice and can assist with all types of planning applications and appeals. HC Planning has successfully secured planning permission for a number of Gypsy and Traveller sites across the South West.
Areas served: London and South West
Main contact and job role: Hannah Cameron
Contact details
Heald Nickinson Solicitors
Heald Nickinson Solicitors are the largest firm in the Surrey Heath area. On issues of family law Heald Nickinson Solicitors can advise on all aspects of the law relating to relationships from pre-nuptial agreements to separation, divorce, cohabitation, civil partnerships, domestic abuse, money and children.
Areas served: London, Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire
Main contact and job role: Clare Mortimer
Contact details
Address: Heald Nickinson Solicitors, Lansdowne House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3SY
Tel: 01276 680000
Fax: 01276 680068
Health Outreach
Engages clients that have complex needs and provides them with treatment, information and advice on health related issues.
The service also facilitates access to GPโs and other mainstream health and social services.
The Health Outreach team offer a drop-in service to help those who have not been able to access mainstream health services.
Areas served: Suffolk
Contact details
Address: 70-74 St Helens Street Ipswich, IP4 2LA
Tel: 01473 341763
Fax: 01473 286525
Health Outreach and Inclusion Service
The service offers screening, health advice, information, support and onward signposting and referral to empower and enable service users to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.
Areas served: Manchester
Main contact and job role: Michelle Campbell
Contact details
Address: Longshoot Health Centre Scholes Wigan, WN1 3NH
Tel: 01942 483586
Heine Planning Consultancy
Private Planner with speciality in Gypsy and Traveller site planning
Areas served: Cheshire
Main contact and job role: Alison Heine, Director
Contact details
Address: 10 Whitehall Drive, Hartford, Northwich, Cheshire, CW8 1SJ
Tel: 01606 77775
Henry Hyams Solicitors
In 1930 our founder Henry Hyams opened a small office in Leeds to serve the local community. Understanding the difficulties facing ordinary people and businesses he developed a general practice offering legal services with a strong emphasis on justice and fair play.
From that small office the business expanded to become a leading legal practice in Leeds city centre, building on an ethos of hard work and client focussed advice. Those core principles upon which Henry Hyams built his practice remain the focus of the service we provide today. Fast, efficient, yet caring, we will use all our skills, experience and resources to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
From personal injury to property; regulatory prosecution to driving offences; divorce to immigration, we offer the same high quality service to private and commercial clients alike.
Areas served: Leeds
Contact details
Address: Oxford House, Oxford Row, Leeds, LS1 3BE
Tel: 0113 243 2288
Fax: 0113 246 0283
Herefordshire Travellers Support
Areas served: Herefordshire
Main contact and job role: Peter Baines, Secretary
Contact details
Address: Herefordshire Travellers Support Group, Trefoil, Brinson Common, Hereford HR4 7AS
Tel: 01432 760350
Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors Ltd.
Hodge Jones & Allen has represented ordinary people caught up in the most extraordinary events for over four decades.
The philosophy at Hodge Jones & Allen has always been to enable individuals to gain access to justice where otherwise they might be denied it and this ethos remains as strong today as it did back then. We strive to right wrongs, achieve justice for all and resolve personal legal matters to get the very best result for our clients.
Areas served: London and Liverpool
Main contact and job role: Raj Parmar, Head of Sales & Marketing
Contact details
Address: 180 North Gower Street, London, NW1 2NB
Tel: 0808 159 6637
Hope House/ Ty Gobaith
Providing support for families facing ending of life care for children, immediate care after death and also life limiting conditions affecting children, online and in person Bereavement counselling for families. The use of cuddle cots and Blankets can be provided enabling immediate care after death in any location. Neo natal support and respite care also available.
Areas served: Wales
Main contact and job role: Tamsin Jones
Contact details
Address: Hope House Nant Lane, Morda, Oswestry, SY10 9BX; Tลท Gobaith Tremorfa Lane, Groesynydd, Conwy, LL32 8SS
Tel: Hope House Oswestry - 01691 671999; Ty Gobaith Conwy - 01492 651900
Hopkin Murray Beskine
Hopkin Murray Beskine are an established solicitors firm providing professional services on the following: family and relationship breakdown, domestic violence, children, international family, becoming a parent, mediation and collaborative law, human rights, property disputes, landlord and tenant, and housing. The services works with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and families around issues of housing, public law and family law.
Areas served: London
Main contact and job role: Ann Bevington, Solicitor
Contact details
Address: Tower House, 149 Fonthill Road, London, N4 3HF
Tel: 020 7272 1234
Fax: 020 7272 4050
Howe & Co
Howe + Co is a partnership built on commitment to the highest standards of law, and service. We are well known for our high publicity cases. The vast majority of our cases are important cases to individuals, but which never receive any publicity at all. We act on our client's instructions, always putting our clients first and ensure that their needs are met at every turn in the case.
We have specialists lawyers to match every level of work that you require, ranging from the senior partner, through to junior lawyers working under supervision.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Address: 1010 Great West Road, Brentford TW8 9BA
Tel: 020 8840 4688
Fax: 020 8840 7209
Imago Community
Imago delivers services across Kent, Medway, East Sussex, and London. Supporting a range of groups, including young, young adult and adult carers. Supporting vulnerable people facing illness, isolation, financial crisis, wellbeing, and physical ailments. Imago plays a crucial role in ensuring that everyone has access to the support they need.
Areas served: South East and London
Main contact and job role: Angela Holland
Contact details
Address: John Spare House, 17-19 Monson Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1LS
Tel: 01892 530330
IPSEA are the leading charity in the field of Special Education Needs and disabilities (SEND) law in England, and we provide free and independent legal advice and support to families of children and young people with SEND. We also provide training on the SEND legal framework, and we influence policy at both a local and national level.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: 2A Stansted Courtyard Parsonage Road, Takeley CM22 6PU
Tel: 01799 582030
Irish Chaplaincy
Irish Chaplaincy offer advice, support and friendship to Irish prisoners in England and Wales, older Irish people, Irish Travellers and Gypsies and younger people with an Irish background. The service advocates for the rights of Irish Travellers, for example by protesting with them against a site demolition, supporting their educational needs in prison or by writing to the authorities on their behalf.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Ellena Costello, Project Officer - Traveller Equality Project
Contact details
Address: PO BOX 75693, London, NW1W 7ZT
Tel: 020 7482 5528
Irish Community Care
Irish Community Care deliver a range of person-centered holistic services including welfare benefits advice and advocacy; homelessness and housing support, access to health services, alcohol and substance misuse support, resettlement support to offenders, as well as a range of cultural and social activities. With intervention from Irish Community Care, improved outcomes are reported for Service Users.
Areas served: Merseyside, West Lancashire, and Cheshire
Main contact and job role: Linda Parker or Josie Gibson (Admin team)
Contact details
Address: ICC, 151 Dale Street (entrance on Trueman Street), Liverpool, L2 2AH
Tel: 01512 373987
Ison Harrison
Our specialist teams of solicitors and lawyers offer a full range of legal services including: Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence, Family Law, Industrial Disease, Residential Conveyancing, New Build Property, Re-mortgage, Employment Advice, Wills & Probate, Immigration, Criminal Law, Road Traffic Offences, Inquests, Professional Negligence, Public Law & Civil Liberties, Regulatory Law.
Areas served: Yorkshire
Main contact and job role: Nigel Bowman, Partner
Contact details
Address: Duke House, 54 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 2EE
Tel: 0113 284 5000
Kaskosan Roma Charity
KaskoSan produce cultural content and consultancy, including films, dramas, art performances and Romani language and cultural workshops.
Areas served: North West
Contact details
Kennet and Avon Boating Community
Kennet and Avon Boating Community and Kennet and Avon Boaters' Action Group exist to inform, defend and promote the community of live aboard boaters on the western Kennet and Avon Canal.
Areas served: Kennet and Avon
Main contact and job role: Panda Smith, Member
Contact details
Tel: 07928 078208
Kent County Council
Palminder Sandher is the Head of Gypsy and Traveller Serviceโs for Kent County Council, overseeing operations on council sites and encampments across the county.
Areas served: Kent
Contact details
Address: Kent County Council, 1st Floor, Invicta House, Maidstone, ME14 1XX
Tel: 03000 413451
Kirklees Council โ Corporate Land and Property Facilities Manager
Areas served: Kirklees
Main contact and job role: Corporate Land and Property Facilities Manager
Contact details
Address: Kirklees Council, Civic Centre 3, Market Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2EY
Tel: 01484 221000 / 01484 226024
Kooth Digital Mental Health โ Kooth and Qwell offers online mental health and wellbeing support for ALL young people aged 11-19 in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay. offers online mental health and wellbeing support for ALL adults aged 18+ in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay.
Both services are anonymous, free and safe, they do not require a formal referral and can be accessed direct for information, counselling and peer support.
Areas served: Devon, Plymouth
Main contact and job role: Jo Overton-Pitts
Contact details
Address: Remote working. Areas covered, Devon, Plymouth and Torbay.
Website: and
Kushti Bok
Kushti Bok are dedicated to spreading awareness about race equality and aim to do this through most importantly understanding. The service works with local Dorset police in order to help them better understand certain minority members of society and provide expertise in dealing with these sensitive matters.
Areas served: Dorset
Main contact and job role: Betty Smith-Billington, Chair
Contact details
Tel: 01202 474174, 07557127559
Lancashire Ethnic Minority/Gypsy Roma & Traveller Achievement Service
The Ethnic Minority and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Achievement Service provides support to Lancashire schools, families and communities to enable pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds, particularly the most vulnerable, to fully embrace the educational opportunities available in Lancashire and achieve their potential.
Areas served: Lancashire
Main contact and job role: Roxana Sardais
Contact details
Address: Room CH 2:24 County Hall Preston Lancashire, PR1 OLD
Tel: 01772 532429
Leeds Citizens Advice Bureau
Leeds Citizens Advice Bureau provide advice and information on a wide range of subjects, including Benefits, Tax Credits, debt, housing and employment.
You can call Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or drop in to the city centre office Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. You can find information online at any time, or email and hear back within 2 working days.
The service also run advice sessions at venues across Leeds based in GP surgeries, Childrenโs Centres, One Stop Centres, mental health services and other accessible locations.
Areas served: Leeds
Contact details
Address: Westminster Buildings 31 New York Street Leeds West Yorkshire LS2 7DT
Tel: 0113 223 4400, 0808 2787878
Leeds City Council โ Gypsy and Travellers Service
Areas served: Leeds
Main contact and job role: Gareth Self, Gypsy Traveller Service Manager
Contact details
Address: Leeds City Council, 1st Floor, Merrion House, Leeds LS2 8BB
Tel: 0113 378 9237
Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange (Leeds GATE)
Leeds Gypsy & Traveller Exchange, known more commonly as Leeds GATE, is a vibrant and brave grassroots organisation led by Gypsy and Traveller people in partnership with others in and across West Yorkshire. Throughout the last 15 years of operation, Leeds GATE has a demonstrated an award-winning track record of community activism, social action and member led innovation. We offer financial and housing advocacy, mental health support, specialist advocates in domestic violence and criminal justice, and community-based work such as residents action groups, adult and youth activity and support groups, tutoring and adult literacy.
Areas served: Leeds
Contact details
Address: 169 Cross Green Lane, Leeds, England, LS9 0BD, United Kingdom
Tel: 0113 2402444
Leicestershire Gypsy and Traveller Equality (G.A.T.E.)
This service provides direct support for Gypsy and Traveller people of all ages and assist in supporting and mentoring in areas including education, health and mental health. Also provides cultural awareness training to organisations and work with them to ensure their service meets the needs of Gypsy and Traveller Communities.
Areas served: Leicestershire
Main contact and job role: Jackie Duffy, Project Manager
Contact details
Address: The Emerald Centre, 450 Gipsy Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TB
Tel: 07934 839321
Leicestershire NHS Partnership โ The Travelling Family Service
Outreach is available for Travellers of all ages. The service visits parents and new babies to assess their health, well-being, growth and development of the baby and give support as needed. Also provides health advice and assistance to children, young adults and assist adults in accessing primary care services.
Areas served: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
Contact details
Address: New Parks Health Centre, St Oswalds Rd, Leicester LE3 6RJ
Tel: 0116 2958759, text 07520 615 384
Leicestershire Traveller Education Service
Leicestershire: Traveller Education Service:
Supporting Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Showmen with access to education. Providing support to families to apply for school and nursery places. Providing further support to schools, children and families to increase educational opportunities within the community. Also, help with signposting to other relevant services.
Areas served: Leicestershire
Main contact and job role: Sarah Pitman and Vicky Beaumont
Contact details
Address: Multi Agency Traveller Unit Leicestershire County Council Beaumont Lodge Astill Lodge Road, Leicester, LE4 1EF
Tel: 07730582432 or 07508013258
Leigh Day Solicitors
A specialist law firm with some of the country's leading personal injury, product liability, clinical negligence, employment and discrimination, international and human rights teams. Unlike other law firms, Leigh Day act exclusively for claimants who've been injured or treated unlawfully by others. Based in London, Manchester and Liverpool.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Rosa Curling, Associate Solicitor
Contact details
Address: Priory House, 25 St John's Lane, London, EC1M 4LB
Tel: 0207 650 1200
Fax: 02076 501200
Lincolnshire County Council Gypsy and Traveller Liaison
As Property Protection Officer, Nick Willey's main responsibilities include overseeing the management of the four Gypsy/Traveller sites owned by Lincolnshire County Council and supporting individuals on roadside camps stationed on land that is either the responsibility of LCC or owned by the authority in a balanced and proportionate manner.
Areas served: Lincolnshire
Main contact and job role: Nick Willey, Property Protection Officer
Contact details
Address: Lincolnshire County Council, Corporate Property, 51 Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YL
Tel: 01522 554218
Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative
Lincolnshire Traveller Initiative provides lifelong learning for the Traveller communities of Lincolnshire. The service provides preventative health care services and help with things such as driver training, passport applications, school and college applications and community cohesion by planning events with the settled population.
Areas served: Lincolnshire
Main contact and job role: Paul Boucher, Director
Contact details
Address: Waddington Community Hub, High Street, Waddington, Lincolnshire LN5 9RF
Tel: 07503 878740
Liverpool City Council Gypsy Traveller and Asylum
Areas served: Liverpool
Main contact and job role: Tony Glennon, Gypsy Traveller and Asylum Officer
Contact details
Address: Liverpool City Council, St Johns Market, Elliot Street, Liverpool, L1 1LQ
Tel: 0151 236 0625
LMP Legal Ltd
LMP Legal is a specialist firm of lawyers whose focus is to protect and support its clients. We are down to earth, friendly and attentive, working tirelessly to ensure that every case is prepared meticulously.
We specialise in criminal defence of all matters including road traffic and motoring offences. If you have been asked to attend a police station for interview or receive a notice of prosecution, please contact us for immediate advice.
UK coverage.
Areas served: Yorkshire and the Humber
Contact details
Address: 85 Portland Street, London W1W 7LT
Tel: 0333 222 4357, 07590 4888061, 07905 276452
London Boaters
London Boaters is a community-based organisation initially founded in 2008 to connect boaters. This website aims to act as a community resource for boaters from all sides of the canal towpath to protect the life we love.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Tel: 07791 976357
London Gypsies and Travellers
London Gypsies and Travellers (formerly the London Gypsy and Traveller Unit) is an organisation which challenges social exclusion and discrimination, working for change in partnership with Gypsies and Travellers. We work with the community and a range of trusted partners to contribute to the development of local, regional and national policy.
Areas served: London
Main contact and job role: Warren Lee, Accommodation Advice and Admin. Support Worker
Contact details
Address: Mildmay Community Centre, Woodville Road, N16 8NA
Tel: 02085 332002 / 07494 969356 (To book an Advice Appointment call Wednesday at 10am)
Luton Irish Forum
We are offering the following services to the Irish Traveller community
- Welfare benefits.
- Irish passport application and witnessing service.
- Outreach to Bedford HMP - Traveller Forums and annual GRT month and St Patrickโs Festival celebrations.
- Cultural awareness sessions (lived experience).
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Wellbeing Days.
Areas served: Luton
Contact details
Address: 102 Hitchin Road, Luton LU2 0ES
Tel: 01582 720 447
Luton Roma Trust
Luton Roma Trust is a non-profit making, registered charity (1160404) based in Luton. The service aim is to help the local Roma community, who have migrated to the UK in recent years, to rebuild their lives in Luton.
Charity number: 1202863
Areas served: Luton
Contact details
Address: Luton Roma Trust Community House 15 New Bedford Road Luton LU1 1SA
Tel: 01582 510709
Mark Simmonds Planning Services
Handling planning applications from residential and commercial medium scale to large schemes through to large EIA developments, problem solving through challenging enforcement actions brought by Councils and seeking to reverse refusals through the Appeals process which are among our specialist areas as is the handling of all types of appeals; including preparing and presenting evidence to give the strongest possible case to achieve the desired outcome through the appeal process.
Have had history making successful planning applications for Traveller families.
Areas served: Planning
Main contact and job role: Mark Simmonds (CEO)
Contact details
Address: Mercury House Willoughton Drive Foxby Lane Gainsborough DN21 1DY
Tel: 01427 619555 | 0781 785 7851
Mary Ward Legal Centre
The Mary Ward Legal Centre provides free, independent advice to people who live and work in London to help them access their legal rights and entitlements. The main areas of law hey can help with are debt, housing and welfare benefits.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Address: Mary Ward Legal Centre, 10 Great Turnstile, London, WC1V 7JU
Tel: 020 7831 7079
Fax: 020 7831 5431
MECOPP Carers Centre
MECOPP Carers Centre use community development approaches in working with Gypsy/Travellers. The service's work is multi-dimensional including outreach work, community-led research, arts, limited casework and awareness-raising training. Also work with partners from the statutory and voluntary sectors to develop their capacity to respond more appropriately to the needs of this community.
Areas served: Edinburgh & the Lothians, Perth & Kinross and Mid and North Argyll
Main contact and job role: Suzanne Munday, Gypsy/Traveller Carersโ Project Coordinator
Contact details
Address: Maritime House, 8 The Shore, Edinburgh, EH6 6QN
Tel: 0131 467 2994
Meic is the information, advice and advocacy service for children and young people in Wales aged 0-25. Meic is a bilingual service that can be contacted, confidentially and free, by phone or WhatsApp (080 880 23456), text (84001) or online chat through our website.
Meic yw'r gwasanaeth gwybodaeth, cyngor ac eiriolaeth i blant a phobl ifanc Cymru rhwng 0 a 25 oed. Gellir cysylltu รข gwasanaeth dwyieithog Meic, yn gyfrinachol ac am ddim, ar y ffรดn (080 880 23456), neges testun (84001) neu sgwrs ar-lein ar ein gwefan.
Areas served: Wales
Contact details
Address: 17 West Bute Street, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, CF10 5EP
Tel: 080 880 23456 (Phoneline and WhatsApp messages) 07943 114 449 (Text message)
Middlesborough Council โ Site Manager
Areas served: Middlesbrough
Main contact and job role: Victoria Sturdy - Project Manager
Contact details
Address: Property & Commercial Services, Middlesbrough Council, Resolution House, Cargo Fleet Lane, Middlesbrough, TS3 8AL
Tel: T: (01642) 727486 MT: 07855 019848
Mole Volley Citizens Advice
Mole Volley Citizens Advice offer free, impartial, independent and confidential advice to everyone who lives and works in the area. They help people overcome their problems and our staff are trained to advise on almost any issue.
Areas served: Surrey
Contact details
Address: The Georgian House, Swan Mews, High Street, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8AE or Lyons Court, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1AB
Tel: 0808 278 7930
Money Helper
Free and impartial money advice, guides, and tools to help manage your finances. Support is available in person, over the phone, and online.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Bedford Borough Hall, 138 Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP
Tel: 0800 138 7777
Murdoch Planning
Dr Angus Murdoch is a Chartered Town Planner with 25 yearsโ experience providing expert planning advice, consultancy and representation to Gypsies and Travellers across England and Wales.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Dr Angus Murdoch, Director
Contact details
Address: PO Box 71, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0WF
Tel: 01460 57881 or 07899 908343
Murphy Associates
Murphy Associates are an independent town planning, conservation and urban design consultancy working throughout England, Northern and Southern Ireland. The service works on cases involving permitted development, lawful development certificates, prior notification, enforcement notices, as well as representing clients at appeal and acting as an expert witness at Public Inquiries.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Eimear Murphy, Director/Consultant
Contact details
Address: 18 Braemore Court, Kingsway, Hove BN3 4FG
Tel: Mobile 07825005297
National Association of Boat Owners (NABO)
The National Association of Boat Owners is dedicated to promoting the interests of private boaters on Britain's canals and rivers and lakes. Volunteer members work with Navigation Authorities and public bodies so that boater's voices and views can be heard when decisions and being made.
Areas served: National
Contact details
National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA)
The National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA) is a volunteer organisation that campaigns and provides advice for itinerant boat dwellers on Britain's inland and coastal waterways. This includes anyone whose home is a boat and who does not have a permanent mooring for their boat with planning permission for residential use.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Nick Brown, Secretary
Contact details
Address: 30 Silver St, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 2ST
Tel: 01183 214128
National Debtline
Free and confidential advice on debt.
Areas served: National
Contact details
NECA Gambling Service
We offer free and confidential support and treatment for anyone affected by gambling. We offer 1:1 sessions with a gambling practitioner either face to face, on the phone or via video.
Areas served: North East
Main contact and job role: Amanda Sutcliffe
Contact details
Address: 12, John Street, Sunderland SR1 1HT
Tel: 0191 562 3309
North-East Lincolnshire Council
Areas served: North-East Lincolnshire
Main contact and job role: Paul Wilmot, Housing Enforcement Manager
Contact details
Address: EQUANS, New Oxford House, George Street, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HB
Tel: 01472 324765
Northamptonshire Traveller Unit (NTU)
Northamptonshire Traveller Unit (NTU) brings together a specialist multi-disciplinary team to deal with the Gypsy and Traveller issues across the county in a co-ordinated and proactive way. Services include management of roadside camps on all public land and supporting to resolve any issues.
Areas served: Northamptonshire
Main contact and job role: Northamptonshire Traveller Unit (NTU)
Contact details
Address: Countywide Traveller Unit, 1 Angel Square, Angel Street,Northampton, NN1 1ED
Tel: 01604 366234
Northumberland County Council โ Gypsy Roma Traveller Liaison Officer
Areas served: Northumberland
Main contact and job role: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Liaison Officer - Ken McDonald
Contact details
Address: Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, NE61 2EF
Tel: 07867670456, 0345 600 6400
Oblique Arts
Our work with the Travelling community is very important for us. Gypsies and Travellers are among the largest ethnic minority in Cambridgeshire and much discriminated against. As part of our Theory of Change model, we believe that we have a remit to support Gypsies and Travellers in order to move toward a fairer society for all.
Areas served: Cambridgeshire
Main contact and job role: Beverley Carpenter, Project Leader
Contact details
One Call Away
A helpline for Gypsies and Travellers offering confidential support around depression, self harm, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.
Areas served: Nationwide
Main contact and job role: Mark or Caroline
Contact details
Tel: 07393 561 735 (Mark) and 07748 997 617 (Caroline)
One Voice 4 Travellers
One Voice 4 Travellers are a Gypsies and Travellers community, working to reduce any forms of violence by promoting good health and advancing the education of Gypsies and Travellers in conditions of need, hardship or distress caused or associated with violence. The service promotes equality of opportunity and good relations between Gypsies and Travellers and the settled communities.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Jaine Codona, Manager
Contact details
Address: 3a Country Park, Jubilee Lane, Marshland St James, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 8JD
Tel: 01945 430724, 07939 519877 (Janie's team), 07930 958274 (Shirley's team)
One You East Sussex
One You East Sussex are the county's free healthy lifestyle service helping local residents stop smoking, lose weight, get active and drink less. The service is county wide working from a number of community locations such as libraries, GP surgeries, Pharmacies, Church venues etc. Everything the service offers is completely FREE OF CHARGE
Areas served: East Sussex
Main contact and job role: Dan Ford
Contact details
Address: Faraday House, 1 Faraday Close, Eastbourne, BN22 9BH
Tel: 01323 404600
One You Surrey
One You Surrey is a specialist stop smoking service. It is free for anyone who lives, works, studies or has a GP Surgery registered in Surrey. They offer FREE stop smoking support via telephone and medication.
Areas served: Surrey
Main contact and job role: Liz Fellows
Contact details
Address: 26 Holmethorpe Avenue, Redhill, RH1 2NL
Tel: 01737 652168
Osbornes Law
We specialise in Family Law (including international adoption and child abduction), Property Law, Property Litigation, Social Welfare, Wills, Probate & Disputed Estates and Personal Injury.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Address: Livery House, 9 Pratt Street, London, NW1 0AE
Tel: 020 7485 8811
Fax: 020 7485 5660
Outside In
Outside In is an award winning charity working to create a fairer and more inclusive art world. Through exhibitions, an active online community and professional training programmes, they provide a platform for artists who find it difficult to access the art world for reasons including health, disability, isolation or social circumstance.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Beth Hopkins
Contact details
Address: Fabrica 40 Duke Street Brighton BN1 1AG
Tel: 01273 381311
Oxfordshire Gypsy and Traveller Services
Oxfordshire County Council Gypsy and Traveller Services is committed to ensuring that all issues that affect Travellers staying on land within the county are dealt with in a balanced and proportionate manner. We support Gypsies and Travellers on roadside camps and manage the six county council owned permanent sites.
Areas served: Oxfordshire
Main contact and job role: Peter Gammond, Service Manager
Contact details
Address: 1st floor, Bicester Fire Station, Queens Avenue, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 2NR
Tel: 01865 815569
Fax: 01869 327217
Paul J Watson Solicitor
Award winning, specialist criminal defence and family/children law solicitors, offering reasonable private rates and legal aid, upon assessment. Paul J Watson Solicitor offer free 24 hr. police station attendances (covered nationally by legal aid and not means tested). They cover the North East area and beyond, and welcome clients from all backgrounds.
Areas served: Middlesborough
Contact details
Address: 116 Borough Road, Middesbrough, TS1 2ES
Tel: 01642 293427 / 07949 186589 (Emergency 24 hour police station call outs - free)
Pembrokeshire Care Society
Pembrokeshire Care Society assists the homeless (through funding received from various sources) by identifying the issues and to then plan, develop and provide the services to alleviate them. Services include advice, assistance and advocacy, bond certificate guarantee scheme, resettlement package, debt advice, crisis intervention, generic support service, travel warrant scheme, starter packs, furniture grant scheme and landlord advice groups.
Areas served: Pembrokeshire
Main contact and job role: Suzanne Key, Gypsy Traveller Tenancy Support Officer
Contact details
Address: Pembrokeshire Care Society, 19 Market Street, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1NF
Tel: 01437 765335
Philip Brown Associates Limited
Philip Brown is a Chartered Town Planner with more than 40 year's experience and has obtained planning permission for well over 300 caravan sites, throughout England and Wales. Philip Brown is assisted by his Associate, Samuel Brown, who has been with the service for more than 5 years, with experience of preparing and submitting planning applications, and preparing Statements of Case for planning and enforcement notice appeals.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Philip Brown, Director
Contact details
Planning Aid England
Planning Aid England offers planning advice and support to individuals and communities. They offer five main services and types of support: free planning advice and guidance, website and advice line, bespoke support for eligible individuals and communities, outreach and capacity building.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: The Royal Town Planning Institute, 41 Botolph Lane, London, EC3R 8DL
Tel: 0370 774 9494
Plymouth & Devon Racial Equality Council
PDREC believes that to build a fair and just society everyone must have an equal chance to live, work and learn free from prejudice, discrimination and racism. It values diversity and works in partnership with individuals and organisations that are also committed to race equality.
Areas served: Devon, Plymouth
Main contact and job role: Deborah Earl, Devon Advocacy Worker
Contact details
Address: Plymouth Office, Harwell Centre, 28 ย 42 Harwell Court, Plymouth, PL1 1PY
Tel: 01752 224555
POhWER are a charity that provides information, advocacy and advice services across England, offering direct and local support via Professionals and Volunteers. The independent, free services reach individuals struggling with particular challenges in their lives.
Areas served: England
Contact details
Address: PO Box 17943, Birmingham, B9 9PB
Tel: 0300 456 2370
Possability People
A Sussex based charity enabling and empowering disabled people and people with long-term health conditions to live the life they choose, through a range of services and projects.
Areas served: East and West Sussex
Main contact and job role: Sharon Rose, Outreach and Communications Co-ordinator
Contact details
Address: Montague House, Montague Place, Brighton BN2 1JE
Tel: 01273 89 40 40
Preston and Western Lancashire Racial Equality and Diversity Council
Preston and Western Lancashire Racial Equality and Diversity Council is a voluntary organisation who provide advice and services on issues of discrimination, race hate or harassment, community relations and community cohesion and immigration related services. If they cannot help directly we shall put you in touch with the right agency.
Areas served: Lancashire
Contact details
Address: Town Hall Annexe, Birley Street, Preston, PR1 2RL
Tel: 01772 906422
Prisoners Families Helpline
The National Prisoners' Families Helpline can support you if a family member is in contact with the criminal justice system. They provide advice and information on all aspects from what happens on arrest, visiting a prison to preparing for release. The service supports families going through CIS as well as family. They also offer a befriending service which is 1-1 contact, and peer support groups which are up to 8 people on a zoom call. The service supports families in England and Wales.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Prisoners Families Helpline, Pact, 29 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UA
Tel: 08088 082003
Public Interest Law Centre
Legal advice and representation in possession proceedings, injunctions and planning appeals for caravan dwelling Romani Gypsies, Irish Scottish and Welsh Travellers, Van Dwellers, Liveaboard Boaters and Bargees.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road London E2 9DA
Tel: 07503084482, +44 20 3559 6342
Rapid Ramp โ Modular wheelchair ramps and steps
A UK leading modular ramp and step company offering a nationwide supply and installation service.
Their ramps and steps provide access to different mobile homes and caravans.
Free quotations are provided, and site surveys can be arranged. Plus, systems can comply with Building Regulations.
Contact details
Address: 10 Menzies Road, Ponswood Industrial Estate, St Leonards on Sea TN38 9BB
Tel: 01424 714646
Read Easy
Read Easy is a not-for-profit organisation that recruits, trains and supports volunteers to give one-to-one tuition to adults who struggle with reading. Working through community-based volunteer groups, Read Easy offers a free, friendly, flexible approach to learning to read for any adult who either canโt read at all, or who lacks confidence with reading.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: The Old Post Office, Bell Lane, Blockley, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, GL56 9BB
Tel: 01388 435021
Rehab guide
Rehabguid help with the following advice:
โข Where to find local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA & NA) meetings in Bristol
โข Locate local addiction one-to-one counsellors
โข Advice on maintaining sobriety
โข Set up of sober companionsโ Buddy Systemโ to support through the first part of early recovery
โข Information on free and private rehabilitation advice
โข Large database of information on drug types, symptoms and how to detox safely from them
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Caroline McLean
Contact details
Address: 1/3 Anglo Office Park, Hollybrook Park, Speedwell, Bristol, BS15 1NT
Tel: 02072052845
Report Racism GRT
Report Racism GRT is a GATE Herts national hate incident reporting site and victim support project that is run by and for Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities in the UK.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Joe Baker/Claire Rice, Hate Crime Case Worker/Hate Crime Policy
Contact details
Address: GATE Herts 111 Mill Studios Ware Hertfordshire SP129PY
Tel: 07534 790 984
Residential Boat Ownersโ Association
The RBOA is a member organisation, run entirely by volunteers. Its aims include maintaining and supporting a variety of live-aboard lifestyles, on many kinds of boats, both inland and coastal. It advises those considering life afloat, and aims to promote good relations between boat owners, moorings operators, and waterway users.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Residential Boat Owners' Association, Studio 2, Waterside Court, Third Avenue, Burton-upon-Trent, DE14 2WQ.
Tel: 0330 057 7180
RISE is an independent, Brighton-based registered charity that helps people affected by domestic abuse. We offer practical help ranging from direct advice to refuge accommodation for those whose lives are at risk.
Areas served: Brighton and Hove, East Sussex
Main contact and job role: Helpline
Contact details
Address: Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG
Tel: 01273 622822
Robert Tutton Town Planning Consultants Ltd
We handle development proposals in the residential, business and leisure fields and have had successes with particularly challenging projects relating to agricultural buildings and dwellings, hot food outlets and travellers. We offer planning and enforcement advice, prepare applications, prosecute appeals via the written, hearing and public inquiry procedures and make representations at local plan inquiries.
Areas served: Kent to Cornwall, south of M4
Main contact and job role: Robert Tutton, Principal and Niall Tutton, Planners
Contact details
Address: Robert Tutton Town Planning Consultants Ltd, 23 Romsey Avenue, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 9TR
Tel: 01329.825985 and 02392.377972
Fax: 01329 230175
Roma ACCESS Newcastle
Roma ACCESS Newcastle works with Roma communities in and around Newcastle Upon Tyne. Key services include hosting weekly sessions for children and young people to offer support with school work and providing social activities, offering advice on benefits, employment and accessing basic rights, and run a food donation drop-off service for people in need.
Areas served: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Contact details
Address: 131 Colston Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 8UN
Roma Organisation for Training and Advocacy (ROTA)
ROTA โ Roma Organisation for Training and Advocacy is a Roma-led community organisation based in London. ROTA have been established by a handful of Roma individuals with a vast experience in human rights activism and providing services in Roma communities.
Contact details
Roma Support Group
Roma Support Group aim to improve the quality of life for Roma refugees and migrants by helping them to overcome prejudice, isolation and vulnerability. The service also has an objective to make the public aware of Roma culture, heritage and current situation of Roma refugees and migrants in the UK through cultural and informative events and publications.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Roma Support Group, 318 Barking Road, E13 8HL
Tel: 0794 908 9778
Roma Voice Centre
Roma Voice Centre is a Community Interest Company which acts as a trustful platform for information and communication for and about Roma, other minority ethnic groups and immigrants in the UK.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Romani and Travellers Social Work Association
The Romani and Traveller Social Work Association was set up in June 2020 by three Romani social workers who initially needed a safe and peer led space to share experiences of being one of the very few social workers who are from Romani Gypsy, Irish Traveller, Roma or Showman families.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Romani Cultural and Arts Company
The Romani Cultural Arts Company (RCAC) is the leading Romani and Traveller community-based organisation in Wales, traditionally using the arts and culture as a vehicle for advocacy and empowerment, amongst the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. RCAC is also supporting individuals to become โCommunity Championsโ, as actors and agents of change in their own communities, making a difference for themselves and the wider society
Areas served: Wales
Main contact and job role: Isaac Blake, Director
Contact details
Address: The Romani Cultural and Arts Company, Temple Court, 13a Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9HA
Tel: 02920 786439
Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC
Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC is a local community organisation, led by individuals with differing ethnicity backgrounds, including Roma people, whose ethos is to unite communities and promote social cohesion. Their objectives are met through organising cultural events to improve understanding of Roma history and culture to create better relationships and friendships. They deliver different projects open to everyone regardless of nationality or ethnicity, provide community outreach and support covering race and diversity issues.
Areas served: Kent
Main contact and job role: Andrea Jackova, Community Coordinator
Contact details
Romano Lav
A Roma community organisation based in Govanhill, Glasgow. Staff and sessional workers work together to support and empower local communities, with Roma youth-led decisions at the heart of everything they do. Young Roma people lead the organisation, working within their communities through streetwork to achieve a number of outcomes, such as identifying real-time needs and concerns that the communities may have.
They work with young people to put together a diverse, participatory and youth-led programme of events. These events vary greatly, from educational events and activities, artistic and cultural performances, workshops and exhibitions to community celebrations.
Areas served: Govanhill, Glasgow
Contact details
Address: 126 Calder Street, Glasgow, G42 7RA
Tel: 0141 433 2999
Romany & Traveller Family History Society
Romany & Traveller Family History Society is the first, and still the only, British family history society for people with Romany Gypsy, Traveller and Fairground roots. They bring together other like-minded people and help them to research their family trees, find out about their heritage and share know-how and information.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Sharon Heppell, Vice-Chairman and Secretary
Contact details
Address: The RTFHS Secretary, c/o Flat 53, 41 Provost Street, London N1 7NB
Romany Interpreting and Translations
RIT specializes in offering legal, medical and local government language services in all European languages. RIT offers simultaneous, consecutive, conference, face to face, telephone, skype, audio and document (including transcription, proofreading and editing) types of interpreting and translation services. Angel provides services in Roma, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Macedonian.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Angel L. Ivanavov, Proprieter, Interpreter and Translator
Contact details
Address: 464, Moss Lane East, M14 4PW, Manchester, UK
Tel: 07593 800 849
Royal Greenwich
Offering advice and assistance on how to apply for a pitch on the Royal Greenwich Traveller Site, Thistlebrook.
Directing enquiries to the relevant service for guidance and support.
Areas served: Woolwich, London
Main contact and job role: Jackie Cassar
Contact details
Address: The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18 6HQ
Tel: 020 8921-3632
Royal Sussex County Hospital โ Maternity Services
Royal Sussex County Hospital Maternity Service can provide antenatal care for your pregnancy, arrange your scan appointments, organise any other appointments you may need or provide information on local services, home visits and one-to-one parent education sessions and even help you with housing and help with registering with a GP if you need it.
Areas served: East Sussex
Main contact and job role: Anna Ferguson, Midwife
Contact details
Address: Level 11, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BE
Tel: 01273 696955 ext. 67583 or 07795 498509
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust โ Traveller Health Visitor Team
We can support health needs of Gypsies and Travellers, in particular families and pregnant women. We will support and help with accessing GP and health appointments We can help with linking with other support agencies issues with council via their Gypsy liaison officer. Links with schools and many other services.
Areas served: Wolverhampton
Main contact and job role: Wendy McGrath, Specialist Health Visitor
Contact details
Address: The Gem Centre, Bentley Bridge Business Park, Neachells Lane, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton WV11 3UP
Tel: 01902 446288 or 07920383565
Runnymede and Spelthorne Citizens Advice Bureau
This service aims to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and equally to improve the policies and practices that affect people's lives. They provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination.
Areas served: Runnymede and Spelthorne
Contact details
Address: The Old Library, Church Road, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 1RW
Tel: 01932 827187
Support and information after pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. Support is available for as long as needed and for any type of baby loss; miscarriage, ending a pregnancy for medical reasons, stillbirth or neo-natal death.
Main contact and job role: Jen Coates
Contact details
Address: 10-18 Union St London
Tel: 0808 164 3332
Scott-Moncrieff & Associates Ltd
Scott-Moncrieff offers legal advice throughout England and Wales, through face-to-face contact or online, via Skype or by phone. They advise people, companies and other organisations on a full range of legal issues, bringing the full weight of expert teams of specialists to supporting and advising our clients.
Areas served: London and Nottingham
Main contact and job role: Lucy Scott-Moncrieff, Managing Director
Contact details
Address: Scott-Moncrieff & Associates Ltd, Temple Chambers 3-7 Temple Avenue London, EC4Y 0HP
Tel: 020 3972 9011
Fax: 02078 411090
Sheffield Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice Sheffield is Sheffieldโs leading provider of advice services and advocacy services. We help about 25,000 people a year. Our services are confidential, independent, impartial and free.
Areas served: Sheffield
Contact details
Address: The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield, S1 4FW
Tel: 0808 278 7820
Sheffield Health and Social Care โ Health Inclusion Team
The Health Inclusion Team provides a nurse-led service for Gypsies and Travellers and people living in temporary or hostel accommodation, providing assessment of health and social needs, support, advice, care planning and referrals to other local services.
Areas served: Sheffield
Main contact and job role: Carol Moore
Contact details
Address: Lightwood House, 1 Lightwood Lane, Sheffield, S8 8BG
Tel: 01142 262534
Fax: 01142 261741
Showmenโs Guild of Great Britain
The Showmen's Guild is the national and local negotiating body for travelling showmen with the aim of protecting the interests of its members, Travelling Showmen, who gain their livelihoods by attending funfairs. It does this in two ways; by its code of rules for members and through the legal and constitutional processes of the land.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Guild House, 41 Clarence Street, Staines, Middlesex TW18 4SY
Tel: 01784 461805
Shropshire County Council Gypsy Liaison
Areas served: Shropshire
Main contact and job role: John Taylor, Sarah Green or Nicola Tudor, Gypsy Liaison Officers
Contact details
Address: Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND
Tel: 03456 789000
Silverback Planning
Iโm Mark Turner, a seasoned planning expert with over two decades of experience dedicated to simplifying the labyrinthine world of planning regulations. Iโm here to be your compass through the complexities of the planning process.
Areas served: East Anglia
Main contact and job role: Matt Turner
Contact details
Simpson Millar LLP Solicitors
Simpson Millar Solicitors provides easy access to high quality legal services whether youโre looking for legal advice about Family Law or Divorce, Making a Will, Conveyancing, dealing with an Employment Law issue or making a Medical Negligence or Personal Injury claim.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Brunel House, 2 Fitzalan Rd, Cardiff CF24 0EB
Tel: 0808 278 2069
Sinclairslaw provide legal services to people via Legal Aid in respect of Community Care, Education and Public Law. In particular, they regularly challenge Local Authorities regarding their decisions on community care packages of support. The service undertakes discrimination cases and advise on the rights of children in need and in care. The firm has a legal aid contract in claims against public authorities and undertakes human rights work.
Areas served: London
Main contact and job role: Helen Gill, associate solicitor and head of public law
Contact details
Solace Womenโs Aid
Solace Women's Aid Irish and Irish Traveller Outreach service provides one on one support to Irish and Irish Traveller women and children who have been affected by domestic and sexual abuse, helping them to stay safe, find safe accommodation and offering housing, financial and legal advice. Referral criteria: Irish and Irish Traveller (including Irish descent) women and children who have experienced domestic and/or sexual abuse at any point in their lives and who live in a London borough. Self-referrals welcome.
Areas served: All London boroughs
Contact details
Address: 2 Angel Square Torrens Street Angel London EC1V 1NY
Tel: 07903 806 161 or Helpline: 0808 802 5565
Fax: 020 7619 1351
Somerset County Council Gypsy/Traveller Liaison
Support Gypsies and Travellers to access services, including:
- supporting children into pre-school, school and further education
- health services, this includes assistance with all areas of health including health appointments and understanding treatments.
- site and home fire safety visits.
Delivering training for statutory bodies, authorities and services.
Areas served: Somerset
Main contact and job role: Edwina Heard
Contact details
Address: County Hall The Crescent Taunton Somerset TA1 4DY
Tel: 07811307748
SOS Rape Crisis (SOSRC) Synergy Essex partnership
SOS Rape Crisis is part of the Essex Rape Crisis Partnership. The Partnership is made up of three centres SOS Rape Crisis, SERICC, and CARA. SOS Rape which covers the areas of Southend on Sea, Castle Point, and Rochford is an accredited member of National Rape Crisis England and Wales. This means that the services we provide to survivors and relatives of survivors are to a quality assured standard.
Areas served: Southend-On-Sea, Castle point and Rochford areas in Essex
Contact details
South Cambridgeshire District Council
Main contact and job role: Stevie Kuch
Contact details
Address: South Cambridgeshire Hall Cambourne Business Park Cambourne Cambridge CB23 6EA
Tel: 07702821402
South Gloucestershire Council
Traveller Education Liaison Officers working to support all aspects of education for children and young people from Romany Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater communities.
Areas served: South Gloucestershire
Main contact and job role: Lucie Barber and Sharon Brown
Contact details
Address: Council Offices, Badminton Rd, Yate, Bristol BS37 5AF
Tel: 07917243856, 07818685865
South Somerset District Council
Provision of accommodation on three Gypsy and Traveller residential sites.
Areas served: South West
Main contact and job role: Jon Batty
Contact details
Address: Petters House, Petters Way, Yeovil, BA20 1AS
Tel: (01935) 462462
Southwark Travellerโs Action Group
Southwark Travellersโ Action Group (STAG) is a community organisation for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers based in Southwark. STAG has existed in some form since the early 1990s, becoming a grant funded project in the early 2000s, and developing into an independent organisation in early 2016.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Address: 161 Sumner Road, London SE15 6JL
Tel: 0207 358 6818, 07411 498 077
St Helens Met Borough Council Gypsy and Traveller Liaison
St Helens Met Borough Council Gypsy and Traveller Liaison manage the permanent Council Gypsy and Traveller site containing provisions for 20 families, promote good community relations between different racial groups, work with other agencies to improve access to services for Gypsies and Travellers, respond to queries about roadside camps and work with other agencies to respond.
Areas served: St Helens
Main contact and job role: Lorraine McGowan, Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officer
Contact details
Address: St Helens Gypsy Traveller Liaison Officer, St Helens Council, Town Hall, Victoria Square, St Helens, WA10 1HP
Tel: 01744 671683
St Vincent de Paul
St Vincent de Paul are a Catholic charity who help the vulnerable, visits the lonely and campaigns for social justice. A request for help is a direct request or referral made by or on behalf of an individual or family during a time of need. This service is carried out by our volunteers who organise themselves into SVP groups that serve a specific locality. If we have an SVP group in your area then members of the group will visit you to understand your problem and to offer you help, where they can.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JB
Tel: 0207 703 3030 (calls to this number will go to voicemail which is regularly monitored during office hours)
St. Helens Traveller Education Service
Support schools and the Traveller Community related to education within the St. Helens area.
Areas served: St Helens
Main contact and job role: Melanie Ward
Contact details
Address: The Bridge Centre Roper Street St. Helens
Tel: 01744 677248
St. Lukeโs Advice Service
St. Luke's are a small charity helping some of the most vulnerable people in Brighton and Hove by providing practical, compassionate support and advice to help overcome financial hardship by accessing the benefits they need and managing debt.
Areas served: Brighton & Hove
Contact details
Address: Brighthelm Centre, North Rd, Brighton and Hove BN1 1YD
Tel: 01273 549203
Staffordshire North and Stoke Citizens Advice Bureau
Staffordshire North and Stoke CAB are part of the Citizens Advice Bureau national helpline. They provide advice on a range of subjects including debt, social security benefits, employment, housing, immigration and asylum, health and community care. The aim of the service is to empower those who experience poverty and inequality to improve their lives and educate society on these issues.
Areas served: Staffordshire
Contact details
Address: Advice House, Cheapside, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 1HL
Tel: 0808 278 78 76
Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI) Charity
A charity for victims of hate crime (including racism) offering a free, person-centred, confidential casework service and education and preventative interventions. The service deals with a wide range of incidents including verbal abuse, attacks on property, physical attacks and complaints about discrimination by agencies such as the police or local authorities.
Areas served: Banes, South Gloucestershire, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset
Main contact and job role: Alex Raikes, Director
Contact details
Address: PO Box 2454, Bristol, BS2 2WX
Tel: 0117 9420060
STEP Education
STEP is a national knowledge exchange centre supporting equitable access to education for mobile communities. STEP create resources with Travellers and nomadic young people in mind.
Contact details
Free and confidential advice on debt. Their website has a tool for calculating your debt remedy.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Stoke on Trent City Council Gypsy and Traveller Liaison
Areas served: Stoke on Trent
Main contact and job role: Anika Bashford, Gypsy and Traveller Liaison
Contact details
Address: Civic Offices Glebe Street Stoke ST4 1RE
Tel: Office Phone 01782 237152 or Mobile 07766603861
Suffolk Law Centre
Legal advice and support available for:
โข Housing issues (Legal Aid available for some issues)
โข Police complaints
โข Support for Litigants-in-Person
Areas served: Suffolk
Main contact and job role: James Hanlon
Contact details
Address: 46a St Matthews Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 3EP
Tel: 01473 408111
Sugarรฉ & Co Solicitors
Sugarรฉ & Co has been established for over 40 years. We are based in Leeds City Centre (opens new window) and represent clients nationally. Our solicitors have a vast wealth of experience and we provide our clients with cost-effective and quality legal advice.
Areas served: Leeds
Main contact and job role: Daniel Sugarรฉ, Head of Family Law
Contact details
Address: 36 Park Square North, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 2NY
Tel: Tel: 0113 244 6978 Emergency Tel: 0777 376 8053
Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum
The Forum was founded in 1996 to create opportunities for public agencies, charities, interested individuals/groups and Traveller communities, to talk to each other. We aim to overcome prejudice, increase understanding of Traveller culture and promote equality of opportunity. Our website is where we organise our activities, share ideas, and publicise our mission.
Areas served: Surrey
Main contact and job role: Lalage Grundy (Joint Chair)
Contact details
Address: Bourne Hall (C/O Jeremy Harte), Spring Street, Ewell, Surrey KT17 1UF
Surrey Law Centre
The Surrey Law believe everyone should have access to a solicitor. This service is a not-for-profit, specialist legal advice agency dedicated to supporting people in Surrey facing poverty, discrimination, social exclusion and disadvantage.
We are a diverse practice with the specialist skills to tackle problems collectively and efficiently. We offer a comprehensive and holistic service at a high level to resolve initial problems before they escalate into greater and potentially lifelong struggles.
Areas served: Surrey
Contact details
Tel: 01483 215000 03300020099
Surrey Race Equality and Minority Achievement (REMA)
We work with schools and families to ensure children from a Travelling or other minority background are supported to access education in schools.
Areas served: Surrey
Main contact and job role: REMA/CSFS/SCC
Contact details
Swain & Co Solicitors
Swain & Co Solicitors are experts in providing legal advice and representation on legal matters related to Family Law, Medical Negligence, Personal Injury, Community Care, Mental Health, Housing Law and Prison Law.
Areas served: Hampshire Portsmouth/Havant, Southampton & Liverpool
Main contact and job role: Samantha Lee, Managing Director
Contact details
Address: Compass House, 57 Meridian Centre, North Street, Havant, PO9 1UW
Tel: 02392 492967 or 0800 298 6479
Teign Housing
Teign Housing manage the Haldon Ridge Travellers Site on behalf of Teignbridge District Council.
Areas served: Devon
Contact details
Tel: 01626 322722
Thames Valley Gypsy Council
Areas served: Thames Valley
Main contact and job role: Joseph G. Jones, Spokesperson
Contact details
Tel: 07963 565952
The Carers Centre
The Carers Centre provide family carers with emotional support, advice and a well-deserved break from their caring role.
Areas served: Brighton & Hove
Contact details
Address: Isetta Square, New England Street, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, UK
Tel: 01273 746222
The Change Project
Perpetrator focussed behavioural change work in relation to domestic abuse.
Areas served: Essex
Main contact and job role: Shara Holroyd, or Sarah Griffin (manager -referrals to be sent to)
Contact details
Address: Chelmsford CVS, Burgess Well House, Coval Lane, Chelmsford CM1 1FW
Tel: 0800 5003006 0845 372 7701
The Daisy Chain Project
The Daisy Chain Project provide free legal advice to men and women experiencing, or fleeing, domestic abuse. This advice is supported by our team of regulated barristers and solicitors.
Areas served: National
Contact details
The Harbour Centre
The Harbour Centre provides free and confidential support to those who have been affected by sexual abuse recently or in the past; you do not have to report to the Police. They provide practical and emotional support to people of all ages across Norfolk.
Areas served: Norfolk
Contact details
Address: The address remains private for the safety of service users
Tel: 01603 276381, 24/7 Helpline: 01603 276381
The Listening Place
The Listening Place offers face-to-face support for people with suicidal feelings. The service is run by a group of well trained and professionally supervised volunteers.
The Listening Place offers a welcoming environment; somewhere that individuals can talk openly about their feelings without being judged or being given advice. Anyone who, for whatever reason feels life is no longer worth living, can find a place with a warm and open listener who will give them time.
The Listening Place is not a drop-in service, please fill in the referral form on our website or call to make an appointment to meet with a volunteer.
Areas served: London
Main contact and job role: Visitor Support
Contact details
Address: Various sites across Central London (Hammersmith, Pimlico and Bloomsbury)
Tel: 020 3906 7676
The Multi Agency Traveller Unit in Leicestershire comprises Traveller Liaison
The Multi Agency Traveller Unit in Leicestershire comprises Traveller Liaison Officers, a Public Health Co-ordinator and provides site management services for Council Sites in the County. The service has a dedicated Police Sergeant and a Traveller Education Team, ensuring that Traveller's across Leicestershire have support with access to education.
Areas served: Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland
Main contact and job role: Mat Bagley, Multi Agency Travellers Unit Manager; Jacqui Green, Travellers Liaison Officer; Sharon Holland, Travellers Liaison Officer
Contact details
Address: Beaumont Lodge, Astill Lodge Road, Leicester, LE4 1EF
Tel: 07818 014574; 07507783427; 07534713658
TMA Chartered Surveyors
Chartered Building Surveyors and Planning Consultants offering a wide range of property related advice, including on Gypsy and Traveller rights.
Areas served: South East and London
Main contact and job role: Sarah Threlfall, Partner
Contact details
Address: The Gatehouse, 116-118 Rainsford Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2QL
Tel: 01245 210060
Tower Hamlets Law Centre
Tower Hamlets Law Centre provides legal advice and representation, mainly to people who work and live in the borough. They undertake work in the following areas: housing, immigration, welfare benefits, debt advice, employment & discrimination, community care and education.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Address: St. Anne Street, off 789 Commercial Road, London E14 7HG
Tel: 020 7538 4909
Fax: 02030 698376
Traveller Counselling Service
A therapist offering low cost sessions to Travellers of all descriptions. This can be online, through the phone or in person in London. This is therapy by Travellers for Travellers. The work can be focused on one specific issue, be about coping and finding solutions or be more exploratory; therapy is often a space to simply work out where we are and whether we need to change that or not.
Areas served: London, Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire
Main contact and job role: Tyler Hatwell, Counsellor
Contact details
Tel: 07582780039
Traveller Movement
The Traveller Movement is a national community charity promoting inclusion and community engagement with Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. The Traveller Movement seeks to empower and support Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities to advocate for the full implementation of their human rights.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: The Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA
Tel: 02076 072002
Email: General: Equality and Social Justice Unit: Education: Tutor & NEET projects:
Fax: 02076 072005
Traveller Space
TravellerSpace is a registered charity supporting Gypsies, Irish Travellers and New Travellers in Cornwall and the South West. Traveller Space aim to provide support for health, education and welfare services, raise awareness and educate the wider community of Gypsy and Traveller cultures and deliver training and workshops in for schools and service providers.
Areas served: Cornwall
Main contact and job role: Caroline Dann, Managing Director
Contact details
Address: Rm 401, Fourth Floor PZ360, St Marys Terrace, Penzance TR18 4EB
Tel: 07939 210 014 or 07534 983 046
Travelling Ahead โ Advice and Advocacy Service for Gypsy Roma and Travellers in Wales
Travelling Ahead supports Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities around Wales (children, young people and adults) with your rights and entitlements, make sure your voices are heard, you are treated fairly and to help challenge discrimination. They also offer support for Roma families needing support with EU Settlement Scheme applications and offer this service in lots of community languages.
This service is not working face to face but all phone messages are picked up quickly and responded to. This service offers advice and support services, information on your rights and support to tackle discrimination. Please note: the address is for mailing purposes only as we work all around Wales and donโt have a dropโin office.
Areas served: Wales
Main contact and job role: Trudy Aspinwall, Team Manager
Contact details
Address: C/O TGP Cymru, 12 North Road, Cardiff, CF10 3DY
Tel: 029 2039 6974
Travelling Community Support Service (Bath and North East Somerset and Wiltshire)
The Service aims to help people from all travelling communities to access health services and empower travelling communities to understand the range of services they are entitled to; and to have the opportunity to take part in courses the service runs. It also delivers cultural awareness training sessions for professionals.
Areas served: Bath, North East Somerset and Wiltshire
Main contact and job role: Alice Young, Team Leader
Contact details
Address: 55 New King Street, Bath BA1 2BN
Tel: 07960 097719
Trivium Land
Trivium Land provides expert planning and development consultancy services tailored to the Gypsy and Traveller Community across the UK. We understand the unique cultural and accommodation needs of the travelling community, and our services are customised accordingly. Our offerings encompass pre-purchase site investigations, land sourcing, local authority liaison, planning applications, and planning appeals. With a specialisation in planning and environmental law, our team brings extensive knowledge and experience to support your needs effectively. We prioritise convenience, ensuring no lengthy forms are required, and are available at the end of the phone whenever you need us.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Declan Hammonds
Contact details
Address: Trivium Land Suite 6K Red Rose Court Sunnyhurst Road Blackburn Lancashire BB2 1PS
Tel: 07799837533
Turn2us is a national charity helping people when times get tough. They provide financial support to help people get back on track.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Turpin & Miller LLP
Based in Oxford, Turpin & Miller LLP offer the highest quality legal services to individuals and businesses seeking advice across the whole spectrum of Immigration law. We work with clients from all over the world and can offer consultations by phone, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Zoom or any other suitable medium.
Areas served: Oxford
Main contact and job role: Jayne Parker, Office Manager
Contact details
Address: 1 Agnes Court, Oxford Road, Oxford, OX4 2EW
Tel: 01865 770111
Fax: 01865 749099
TV Edwards Solicitors LLP
TV Edwards offers a full range of legal services for businesses and individuals, helping you to proactively prevent legal issues and to find quick, cost-effective solutions to any legal disputes you do encounter.
Areas served: London
Main contact and job role: Jacky Straling, Senior and Compliance Partner
Contact details
Address: TV Edwards Solicitors LLP, 35-37 Mile End Road, London, E1 4TP
Tel: 02034 408000
Union Romani Voice
Union Romani Voice was founded in February 2021. It was established by representative Leaders and Professionals from the Roma community in Ipswich to relief the poverty and to help children to continue their education because we strong believe that education is the first step for the integration of the Roma populationโ.
Areas served: Suffolk and Essex
Contact details
Address: Brightspace, 160 Hadleigh Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP2 0HH
Tel: 07789 712 684
University of Sussex
Contact details
UOK Brighton & Hove
UOK Brighton & Hove is a partnership of community-based services, working together to support good mental health and wellbeing in Brighton & Hove. Their services cover a range of options, from group workshops to money advice and bereavement care. All support is free of charge.
Areas served: Brighton & Hove
Contact details
Address: 18 Preston Park Avenue, Brighton BN1 6HL, UK
Tel: 0808 196 1768
Vardo Intelligent Planning Services Ltd
Vardo Intelligent Planning Services are Town Planners with nearly 50 years experience between us. Mark Simmonds is a Chartered Town Planner with 25 years experience including in depth experience of achieving successful outcomes for people from the traveller community including for accommodation, commercial and tourism. Angela Simmonds has a background as a Planning Lawyer and specialises in Appeal work and working to resolve Enforcement actions'. Please make contact if we can help you with a planning related issue.
Main contact and job role: Mark Simmonds (Planning Director)
Contact details
Address: Mercury House Willoughton Drive Foxby Lane Gainsborough DN21 1DY
Tel: 01427 619555 | 0781 785 7851
Versus Arthritis
Cymru Versus Arthritis is here to make sure that people with arthritis in Wales have the support and information they need to live well with their condition, as well as to ensure the needs of people with arthritis are a priority with policy makers in Wales.
Areas served: Wales
Main contact and job role: Ann Dymock
Contact details
Address: Cymru Versus Arthritis Suite 4 Quest House St Mellons Business Park St Mellons Cardiff CF3 0LT
Tel: 03007900400
Victim Support โ Bereaved By Suicide, Suffolk and North East Essex
We provide free confidential tailored support for those who have been bereaved or affected by suicide. We can help in a variety of ways, including: informing you of your rights, listening to you and validating your feelings, helping you reflect and explore ways to cope after a traumatic incident, and we can connect you with other support services, for example counselling.
Areas served: East of England
Main contact and job role: Cathy Cunningham-Elliott
Contact details
Address: 21a Hursley Road, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire,
Tel: 01473 322683
Victim Support โ Bereaved By Suicide, Worcestershire
We provide free, confidential, tailored support for those who have been bereaved or affected by suicide in Worcestershire. We can help in a variety of ways, including: informing you of your rights, listening to you, validating your feelings, helping you reflect and explore ways to cope after a traumatic incident, and we can connect you with other support services, for example counselling.
Areas served: West Midlands
Main contact and job role: Gill Stanton
Contact details
Address: Victim Support, Building 3, Eastern Business Park, Wern Fawr Lane, Old St Mellons, Cardiff, CF3 5EA
Tel: 01905 947933
Walsh and McGrath Funeral Directors
A family run funeral directors looking after bereaved families in London and surrounding areas. Your loved one will be treated with care, respect and dignity whilst in our care.
Areas served: Hertfordshire
Contact details
Warwickshire Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service
Warwickshire Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service has a team of dedicated education support workers who work with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller families, schools and other services in order to remove barriers to education and improve outcomes for young people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
Areas served: Warwickshire
Main contact and job role: Mandy Waight, Senior Leader, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller education
Contact details
Address: Warwickshire County Council, Saltisford, Office Park, Building 3 Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL
Tel: 01926 476600, 07747 475076
Waterways Chaplaincy
A nationwide team of chaplains offering practical and spiritual support to all the waterways communities irrespective of their race, religion or orientation.
Please contact using the website link.
Areas served: National
Main contact and job role: Reverend Mark Chester
Contact details
Address: c/o Holywell Lodge 41 Holywell Hill St Albans AL1 1HE
Watkins & Gunn
Solicitors acting on behalf of all Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in all legal matters, particularly in issues of equality, education and human rights. Acted in leading Court of Appeal case preventing eviction on number of families in Kent. Able to represent clients with benefit of legal aid.
Areas served: Kent
Contact details
Address: 5, Ground Floor, Building 5, 19 Cowbridge Road E, Castlebridge, Cardiff, CF11 9AB
Tel: 029 2115 4313
Welsh Government โ Gypsy and Traveller Policy Officer
The Welsh Government is the devolved administration in Wales. The Gypsy, Roma and Traveller team can act as the first point of contact on enquiries related to Gypsies, Roma and Travellers and lead on Welsh Government policy in this area, including enquiries related to the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 for all those with a nomadic habit of life, whatever their race or origin.
Areas served: Wales
Main contact and job role: Kate Rose - Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Policy Manager and Hannah Fisher Senior Manager Race, Faith, Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
Contact details
Address: Welsh Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ
West Berkshire Council
Jean Pimley is the Traveller Liaison Officer, working with Gypsy and Traveller communities across Berkshire.
Areas served: Berkshire
Contact details
Address: Council Offices Market Street Newbury West Berkshire RG14 5LD
Tel: 01635 503269
West Sussex County Council Gypsy and Traveller Liaison
West Sussex County Council currently provide nine Gypsy & Traveller Sites across West Sussex. There is also a nine pitch transit site on Stane Street in Chichester, where travellers passing through West Sussex can stay up to three months. This service helps with any site queries/other issues for Gypsies and Travellers.
Areas served: West Sussex
Main contact and job role: Scott Judge, Gypsies and Travellers Team Manager
Contact details
Address: County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ
Tel: 01243 642139
West Sussex Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS)
EMTAS work with school staff, children and families to improve access to education, raise attainment and increase attendance of Traveller pupils. EMTAS Liaison Officers can help families with applying for school places, attending school meetings or any other issues relating to their childโs education and their school.
Areas served: West Sussex
Main contact and job role: Olly Davidson (Team Manager)
Contact details
Address: 3rd Floor, Bridge House, Barrington Road, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, West Sussex BN12 4FP
Tel: 0330 222 2155 (Monday to Friday, term-time only)
Wiltshire Council โ Gypsy and Traveller Service
Wiltshire Council manages 50 pitches on 3 permanent sites in the county of Wiltshire.
Areas served: Wiltshire
Main contact and job role: Aileen Fenlon
Contact details
Address: Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN
Tel: 01722434310
Womenโs Aid
Womenโs Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. As a federation of over 180 organisations, Women's Aid provide nearly 300 local lifesaving services to women and children across the country. Women's Aid offer a Live Chat service on their website if you need to speak to a support worker.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Address: Women's Aid Federation of England, PO BOX 3245, Bristol BS2 2EH
Tel: General Enquiries 0117 944 44 11
Fax: 0117 924 1703
Worcestershire County Council โ Site Officer
Areas served: Herefordshire and Worcestershire
Main contact and job role: Jim Lowe and Jayne Nicklin, Site Officers
Contact details
Address: County Hall, Spetchley Road WR5 2NP
Tel: 01905 766721
Worth Services
WORTH Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Services support people at risk of harm as a result of domestic abuse.
They have teams of IDVAs (independent domestic violence advisors) across West Sussex who work to identify, assess and assist people at risk. They also have a team of Independent Sexual Violence Advisorsโ (ISVAโs) supporting anyone who has experienced a sexual assault living in west Sussex where there is an ongoing criminal investigation.
Areas served: East and West Sussex
Main contact and job role: Francesca Erdelyi
Contact details
Address: Worth Services, IFD/MASH, County Hall North, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1XA
Tel: 0330 222 8181, 07834 968539
Wrexham County Borough Council โ Housing Department
Areas served: Wrexham
Main contact and job role: Russell Jones, Estates Manager
Contact details
Address: 50 Peris, Acrefair, Wrexham LL14 3LF
Tel: 01978 813000
York Travellers Trust
Our work is concentrated in York and surrounding areas. Our charitable objectives say we want โto relieve the poverty and advance the education of the GTC and to preserve and protect the health of such personsโ. But our aims are broader than that. We want to empower GTC to become active members of the community
Areas served: York
Main contact and job role: Violet Cannon, CEO
Contact details
Address: 20 Falsgrave Crescent, York. YO30 7AZ
Tel: 01904 630526
YoungMinds give advice to parents or carers who may be concerned about the mental health (bad nerves) or emotional wellbeing of a child or young person.
Areas served: National
Contact details
Tel: 0808 802 5544
yourSanctuary work with a trauma-informed, needs led and holistic approach to support survivors of Domestic Abuse and their children. We seek to empower our clients to make informed choices about their lives and if necessary to advocate for them with other agencies, professionals and groups in order that they are treated with respect, dignity and understanding.
Areas served: Surrey
Contact details
Address: 15a Monument Way East, Woking, Surrey, GU21 5LY
Tel: 01483 776868
Zacchaeus 2000 Trust
We help people of working age across London who are having problems with welfare benefits, housing and homelessness or other financial issues.
Areas served: London
Contact details
Address: 10 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0QP
Tel: 02072590801