Royal Society of Public Health Training

We are an accredited Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Training Centre and deliver training to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities on health improvement and behaviour change.

The aim of our training is to develop and embed ways of working that enable Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities to actively participate in improving their own and their community’s health. Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people who undertake our training become Health Champions, who then cascade the information they have learned to their family and wider community.

In recognition of our work, we were finalists in the ‘Community Health Development Award’ at the RSPH Health and Wellbeing Awards 2019.

Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and nomadic people who undertake our training become Health Champions, are provided with resources and training to cascade health and wellbeing knowledge to their family and wider community.

The courses that we offer are:

  • RSPH Level 1 Award in Health Awareness,
  • RSPH Level 2 Award in Understanding Health Improvement
  • RSPH Level 2 Award in Supporting Behaviour Change

These courses result in accredited qualifications which are equivalent to a GCSE qualification.

The bespoke training courses are designed to be accessible to Gypsy and Traveller people using culturally appropriate teaching and examples.

Over 100 Gypsy, Traveller and nomadic people have taken part in our training to date and have received an accredited qualification and certificate. For many participants, this is their first formal qualification, which can be used as a stepping stone to attending college, becoming a volunteer or gaining employment.

“I was nervous at first, but I was able to settle in with the other people who were on the course. I learnt so much, I sat the exam and passed it! I gave up smoking after I did the course and I got mum to as well. I talk to other Travellers now and encourage them to quit.”
Romany Gypsy Participant in Level 2 RSPH Qualification in Understanding Behaviour Change

Our award-winning Young Health Champions programme is a guided-learning programme for young Gypsy and Traveller people, which leads to an RSPH Level 2 Award for Young Health Champions. The teaching of this course is flexible in nature and can be delivered in any educational setting.

This programme is for young people who are interested in developing a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their peers by making their voices heard around health and wellbeing issues.

Teaching on this programme explores health risks to young people such as substance abuse and smoking, before empowering the young people to encourage others to adopt healthy behaviours.

The content of this course has been developed and designed in co-production with young Gypsies and Travellers. It features not only culturally accessible examples, but also workbooks and slides relating to popular video game Fortnite and the Harry Potter books and films; these aspects make the teaching relevant to young people from the community.

FFT deliver this learning throughout Sussex to groups of young people from Traveller communities.

As an accredited Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Training Centre, we are able to train your local authority, volunteer or community organisation to become a training centre. We are also able to support your training centre by providing guidance and consultation during the application process.

Once trained and approved to be a training centre, your organisation can train Gypsy and Traveller people in your local area to become Health Champions.

If you are interested in becoming a training centre, or want to find out more information, please contact us at [email protected]

Friends, Families and Travellers have a range of cultural awareness training available to suit the needs of your organisation. Find out more.

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