thumbnail of report cover for 'Aiming High: Raising the Achievement of Gypsy Traveller pupils'

Aiming High: Raising the Achievement of Gypsy Traveller Pupils

Publication type: Guide

Author: Other

Themes: Discrimination, Education

A guide to good practice produced by the Department for Education and Skills in July 2003. It offers advice and guidance to schools and LEAs, including practical guidance and examples that are shown to work to raise Traveller pupilsÂ’ achievement and ensure their inclusion in school life, and answers to some frequently asked questions.

Quotes: “Any school, anywhere, may have Gypsy Traveller pupils on roll. Raising the achievement of Gypsy Traveller pupils is the responsibility of everyone within the education system and significant measure of the effectiveness of polices to combat educational and social exclusion. Foisted has shown that Gypsy Traveller pupils, mostly Gypsy/Roma or Travellers of Irish Heritage, have the lowest results of any ethnic minority group and are the groups most at risk in the education system.”

Read the full guide here.

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