On 22 November, Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT) made its joint submission to the Government’s call for evidence on Improving the Curriculum and Assessment System, with Roma Support Group (RSG).
In its submission, FFT used evidence from its policy and advocacy work and consulted 47 pupils and parents, including Irish Travellers (4), Romany Gypsies (37), Roma (5), and a Travelling Showman, to inform key points and highlight the views of the communities.
Drawing from ongoing work, the submission highlighted:
- Department for Education ethnicity education data aggregates Romany Gypsies and Roma into one category ‘Gypsy/Roma’, which conceals the diversity of the two ethnic groups and the different inequalities experienced.
- High rates of exclusion and suspension of Romany Gypsies, Roma, and Irish Traveller pupils, meaning these communities are disproportionately represented in alternative provision and pupil referral units.
- The need for histories of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities in school curricula, including celebrating Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month in June.
- Lack of representation of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller people in books used in schools, including the UK being joint lowest on coverage of Roma in school textbooks.
- Pre-vocational courses often equip pupils for career paths such as catering, beauty therapy, art and construction and do not always push for further study or higher education.
Anecdotal evidence from RSG suggests pupils don’t feel supported in their learning and exams, with Roma pupils reporting being discouraged from sitting exams in cases where there is a concern that pupils may not pass.
Currently, data shows Romany Gypsies, Roma, and Irish Travellers have the lowest educational attainment, at all key stages up to and including KS4, out of any ethnic groups in the UK.
Experiences of race hate, stereotyping, and bullying were reported frequently among the parents and pupils surveyed during this call for evidence. One Romany parent said:
‘I took my children out of school recently because they experienced race hate in school, violent threats, and the school did nothing about it…’
Overall, a lack of community specific support was also apparent. A Roma pupil added:
‘[We] should be offered more emotional understanding and support, as well as in some cases material support.’
The full submission can be seen here.
About Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)
Friends, Families and Travellers is a leading national charity that works to end racism and discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life.
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FFT and RSG Submission to the Call for Evidence on Improving the Curriculum and Assessment System. November 2024. View.