Policy & Publications
This section will help you to search for policy, publications and information on issues affecting Gypsies and Travellers. Use the filter on the left hand side to refine your search.
Common Ground: Equality, good race relations and sites for Gypsies and Irish Travellers, 2006
The Commission for Racial Equality launched an inquiry in October 2004 to examine local authorities’ arrangements for planning, providing and maintaining sites. This report summarises the findings and recommendations which arose as a result.
View the reportThe Human Rights Act 1998 and its impact on Gypsies and Travellers
Marc Willers of Garden Court Chambers and Alex Pickles of Travellers Aid Trust outline how the Human Rights Act 1998 impacts upon Travellers.
Read moreGuidance on Managing Unauthorised Encampments
This document was created by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (DCLG) and the Home Office and is intended for elected officials and others in the community who have an interest in how unauthorised camping by Gypsies and Travellers is managed in their area.
Access the resourceInequalities Experienced by Gypsy and Traveller Communities
A report which aims to draw together the evidence from a wide range of Gypsies’ and Travellers’ experiences in order to set out clearly the full extent of the inequalities and discrimination faced by these communities.
View the report