APPG for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma
Please note: The APPG was reconstituted at its inaugural meeting on 4th September. The current membership will be updated shortly.
The APPG for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma provides a forum for parliamentarians concerned about issues facing Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities and seeks to address these issues and challenge inequalities.
The APPG has two co-chairs, Mary Kelly Foy MP for Durham and Baroness Janet Whitaker, as well as around 50 other interested and active members. The APPG has identified a number of issues they are looking to address, including:
- Ensuring the impact on Gypsies and Travellers is highlighted in ongoing debates relating to encampments;
- Working to ensure Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities are included in the Government’s planning to address race disparity, including the development of a specific Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Strategy;
- Highlighting the implications of Brexit on Roma communities in the UK;
- Continuing to challenge inflammatory language used by parliamentarians.
As Secretariat, Friends, Families and Travellers will support and ensure members of the APPG are briefed on these issues.