‘What matters to us’: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people’s views for the next government

Today, Friends, Families and Travellers sent off its General Election 2024 campaign, ‘What matters to us’: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people on what they want to see from the next government to all major political parties, ahead of the General Election.

The campaign called on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people to submit their views on what the next government should prioritise when it comes to issues facing community members.

FFT received responses from Romany, Irish Traveller, Roma, New Traveller, Showman and Boater people, with some sharing one key thing that matters to them, while others shared a number of serious concerns.

The submissions were summarised under common themes, and specific views were included in the final document. Here are the themes, with example views:

  • Hate: We should be allowed to live our lives the way we have been brought up without prejudice like we are getting from a number of people in Parliament.”;
  • Accommodation: “‘I would like to see stronger legislation put in place to encourage councils to create adequate provision for Travellers.”;
  • Education: “Right to Education for Children and Adults without being singled out.”;
  • Health: “‘More outreach for mental health and general health care…More Traveller friendly doctors and midwives too!’;
  • Politics: “Travellers need representation in parliament…without members who make legislation the priorities of the many different Traveller groups will not be a priority for parliament.’;
  • Human Rights: “This next government need to look out for all races and treat us with equality and rights.”;
  • Poverty: “We are being made to constantly reapply for benefits and subjected to inhumane treatment that is cruel under unnecessary.”

Responses also came from FFT’s Youth Advisory Board, which called on the incoming government to address the Cost of Living crisis, funding of public services, education, accommodation, and citizenship, human rights and wider society.

The full document includes FFT briefings which provide recommendations on how the government, current and future, can address the issues raised by community members.

The General Election 2024 is set to be held on 4 July 2024, and the final day to register to vote is 23:59pm 18 June 2024.

Speaking about the campaign, Sami McLaren, Head of Communications and Campaigns at Friends, Families and Travellers said:

“We extend our warmest thanks to everyone who participated in our campaign to have Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people’s voices front and centre of this election cycle.

Despite the ‘impromptu’ call for an election, community members from across traditionally nomadic communities came out in droves to submit views, and we’re honored to have played the role of messenger.

We urge the new government not to repeat past mistakes, and to openly listen to the views of the people who have spent too long at the sharpest edges of inequality.”




About Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)

Friends, Families and Travellers is a leading national charity that works to end racism and discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life.

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Relevant Resources

‘What matters to us’: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people on what they want to see from the next government. Friends, Families and Travellers. June 2024. Read.

‘How to register to vote. Friends, Families and Travellers. May 2024. Read.

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