Picture of British and European flag in front of Big Ben

Race equality coalition calls on the government to share plans for responding to racism post-Brexit

CORE a coalition of race equality organisations from across the UK met on 18 February to reflect on the state of racism in Britain today, and how we as a society are responding to it.

With 29th of March deadline fast approaching, CORE is calling on the government to share its plan for responding to racism post-Brexit. Although we recognise that there were varied reasons why people voted to leave, and there is a need to bridge the division over the European referendum, we cannot ignore the murder of the MP Jo Cox during the campaign, the rise in hate crime that followed the referendum, and the wider un-bottling of racist attitudes and behaviour across Britain. That challenge of unleashing or exposing of racist attitudes hasn’t gone away, and is unlikely to do so whatever happens with Brexit.

Britain’s 8 million Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people are owed a proper plan and actions from the government outlining how they will respond to any rise in hate crime, but also to embed anti-racist education in our schools and among adults too.

Although there are signs of some positive changes, there is too much complacency that ‘tolerance’ will just advance and too little action in responding to longstanding and widespread racial inequalities in Britain today. On the 20th anniversary of the Lawrence Inquiry report, there is still too little focus on how institutions tackle the racial inequalities that the government’s Race Disparity Audit revealed. Until we understand that racism isn’t just about the attitudes of a few bad apples, but extends throughout all of our public, private and charitable institutions, we won’t be able to develop the responses to provide BAME people with the same choices where they live, work or raise their children.

CORE is (currently) a coalition of 20 signed organisations that will work with government and everyone, to ensure there is an informed plan in place to the potential for further division post-Brexit, and to build a society that better tackles racism in all its forms.


Signed by

Black Training and Enterprise Group (BTEG)

Black South West Network (BSWN)

BME National


Caribbean and African Health Network

Council of Somali Organisations

Croydon BME Forum

Friends, Families and Travellers

The Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE)

JUST Yorkshire

Migrant Rights Network

National BAME Transplant Alliance (NBTA)


Operation Black Vote (OBV)

Race on the Agenda (ROTA)

Race Equality Foundation

Race Equality Matters

Runnymede Trust


Voice4Change England


Notes for Editor

About Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)

Friends, Families and Travellers is a leading national charity that works on behalf of all Gypsies, Roma and Travellers regardless of ethnicity, culture or background.

Media Contact

Zoe Matthews, Strategic Advisor

Tel: 01273 234 777 Email: [email protected]

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