Friends, Families and Travellers celebrate launch of 2020 Annual Report

Today, we have launched our 2020 Annual Report. The report, which can be viewed here, outlines our key activities and achievements over the past year from across our work.

Reflecting on the past year, Sarah Mann, Director at Friends, Families and Travellers said:

“The past year has been filled with David and Goliath sized challenges for us as an organisation – from the Home Office’s plans to give police more powers to evict Travellers and the global COVID-19 pandemic which left many roadside Gypsies and Travellers struggling to access water and sanitation.

This has required us to use all our power and influence to get the right support and protections in for Gypsy and Traveller people. Luckily, we have not been alone. This year, more than any other, we have seen Gypsy and Traveller people stand up and have their voices heard and we have witnessed an outpouring of solidarity from others. Over 17,000 people have supported us in our campaigns and countless more people in their own ways.

The heart of our work will continue to be a practical advocacy and legal support service to all Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities across the UK, pushing to get a fair deal and protect the nomadic way of life. In the midst of these challenges, we have been able to support over 1300 families with issues ranging from health to homelessness, education to financial inclusion and discrimination to employment.

In order to be effective in our mission, we have taken the decision to refine our organisation’s work over the coming years to four key areas which include accommodation, health, education and discrimination. We invite you to read our new Vision for Change which sets our strategic priorities over the next three years. We know that we will not be able to achieve our vision without your support and ask that as you read this document that you consider what your role can be in achieving real change.

In celebration of our 25 years as FFT, we were fortunate enough to host our very first FFT Awards in March. The evening saw organisations and individuals come together to celebrate the contributions made by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community members to our society. It was truly inspiring and we were honoured to hear all of the inspirational stories of the shortlistees and winners.

We have been overwhelmed by the amount of solidarity and support which we have received this past year. I cannot thank our funders, trustees, staff members, volunteer team, partners and supporters enough for making our work possible.”


Notes for Editor

About Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)

Friends, Families and Travellers is a leading national charity that works on behalf of all Gypsies, Roma and Travellers regardless of ethnicity, culture or background.

Media Contact

Sami McLaren, Communications Officer

Tel: 07436 228910 Email: [email protected]

Relevant Resources

‘Annual Report 2020’. October 2020. View report.

‘Our Vision for Change: Strategic Plan 2019-2022’. November 2019. View file.

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