Friends, Families and Travellers Annual Report 2022 is here!

Today, the Friends, Families and Travellers’ Annual Report 2022 is finally here! The report, which can be seen in full here, outlines our key activities and achievements over the past year from across our work, including some snapshots from our FFT Awards 2022!

Addressing the past year’s struggles and successes, Sarah Mann, Director at Friends, Families and Travellers said this:

In the wake of Covid-19, we face a new challenge in the struggle for the right to live a nomadic way of life.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act came into force in June 2022, shortly after this Annual Report’s remit. Nevertheless, the Policing Act presents a monumental shift in the legal landscape concerning nomadism, warranting inclusion into this Annual Report.

Romany and Traveller communities and civil society long warned of the damaging effects this law could have. We are already aware of the Act’s use across the country. People and families who travel now have less choice for where to stop and more stark choices to make.

Despite this, we have been humbled by the resilience, perseverance and solidarity shown by Gypsy, Traveller and nomadic communities over the past year. From Drive2Survive’s protest on Parliament Square to parliamentarians speaking up for Gypsies and Travellers in the Commons and House of Lords, we have witnessed society’s understanding of Traveller and Romany communities shift and change.

Challenges brought on by Covid-19 are now compounding with the Policing Act to create a perfect storm. From healthcare backlogs to a lack of stopping places, our work has become more urgent than ever before.

Over the past year, we supported over 4000 Gypsy and Traveller people with issues ranging from education and benefits to housing and accessing white goods, through our Sussex Outreach and National Helpline.

Our Vision for Change is set to end this year and we’ll be updating our strategy to continue tackling the issues that matter most to Gypsy and Traveller people.

Earlier this year, we held the FFT Awards 2022 at the Irish Embassy in London. Supported by Ambassador Adrian O’Neill and with Martin Beanz Warde as compère, we were privileged to be able to recognise the hard work and incredible achievements of people and projects from across the communities.

It’s clear that the last year has featured many highs and lows, and we have been overwhelmed by the solidarity and support we receive from people from all walks of life. Your support allows us to stand up for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, and for the right to live a nomadic way of life.

My heartfelt thanks go to our volunteers, our incredible staff team, Trustees, partners and supporters. You make our work possible.


Notes for Editor

About Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)

Friends, Families and Travellers is a leading national charity that works to end racism and discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life.

Media Contact

Sami McLaren, Communications and Campaigns Lead

Tel: 07436 228910 Email: [email protected]

Relevant Resources

‘Annual Report 2022’. November 2022. View report.

‘Our Vision for Change: Strategic Plan 2019-2022’. November 2019. View file.

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