The world cannot afford to ignore any dimension of the problem of racism

United Nations special rapporteur meets with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Civil Society to discuss racism and intolerance

Today, Tuesday 1st May, members of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) Civil Society will meet with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. The meeting with the rapporteur was called in response to a submission to the United Nations by Friends, Families and Travellers and the National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups which highlighted that race equality for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in the UK is a long way off, and the need for improved structures to ensure the protection of human rights. The aim of the meeting is to discuss the wide range of discrimination experienced by Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in the United Kingdom.

The United Nations special rapporteur, Ms. Tendayi Achiume is visiting the United Kingdom between 30th April and 11th May. She has been invited by the Government to examine the trends of racism and the ways in which it presents itself in the UK. Ms. Achiume will also assess existing legal, institutional and policy framework to protect groups and individuals that may be subjected to racial discrimination and intolerance and promote the goal of achieving racial equality. This will be the second visit of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Racism to the UK, the first was in 1995.

Through meeting with government organisations, civil society organisations, communities and individuals the rapporteur will gather information on the achievements that have been made to advance racial equality. They will also follow up on recommendations that have previously been made to the UK by various human rights treaties and committees and identify the gaps and challenges which remain and require improvement. With the information that they gather, they will make proposals for additional constructive recommendations.

Speaking of the meeting, Abbie Kirkby, Advice and Policy Manager at FFT says:

“We are really pleased that Ms. Tendayi Achiume will meet with members of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller civil society today. We hope that it will be an opportunity to come up with constructive ways in which we can work together to build a more tolerant and inclusive society.”

The full agenda is available here.

Notes for Editor

About Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)

Friends, Families and Travellers is a leading national charity that works on behalf of all Gypsies, Roma and Travellers regardless of ethnicity, culture or background.

Relevant information

Friends, Families and Travellers and National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups’ Joint submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

Media Advisory: UN human rights expert to visit UK to assess racism post Brexit vote

Media Contact

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