Tomorrow, the Charity Awards 2021 will take place and the Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT) Health Champions project is in the running for the Children and Youth category award.
The awards will recognise charities whose work is innovative, show best practice and deliver long-term benefits to communities and society.
FFT’s Health Champions project, run by Samson Rattigan BEM, adapted Royal Society of Public Health training to enable young people to earn a Level 2 qualification (GCSE).
The project used various learning techniques, including day trips, activities and Harry Potter-themed modules to get young people engaged.
Following the Health Champions project, the young participants were observed making healthier choices such as swapping energy drinks with water as well as encouraging their peers to do the same.
The project helped to re-engage young people with formal learning and some have even gone on to further study.
Speaking about the Health Champions project, Samson Rattigan BEM, Projects Coordinator at Friends, Families and Travellers said:
“Seeing young people re-engaging with their health and education is a positive step in ensuring that children and young people have more control over their own futures and the freedom to make the right choices.
It is an honour that this project’s potential has been recognised by the Charity Awards judges and we look forward to finding out the winner. Good luck to everyone involved!”
Notes for Editor
About Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)
Friends, Families and Travellers is a leading national charity that works to end racism and discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life.
Media Contact
Sami McLaren, Communications Officer
Tel: 07436 228910 Email: [email protected]
Relevant Resources
‘Friends, Families and Travellers: Educating young Gypsies and Travellers about health issues’. Charity Awards. June 2021. View here.