
Leading race equality and children’s rights organisations call for ministers to honour a reduced fee for children applying for ‘settled’ status

Friends, Families and Travellers has coordinated the sending of two open letters to Ministers asking for them to ensure that the proposed Settled Status application fee for 16-18 year olds matches the price of those under

Leading race equality and children’s rights organisations call for ministers to honour a reduced fee for children applying for ‘settled’ status Read More »

On World Health Day, FFT asks the government to commit to reducing health inequalities experienced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.

Today, with the World Health Organization, we celebrate the 70th annual World Health Day. This year the theme is Universal Healthcare Coverage. The underpinning principle of this is that healthcare should be available to everyone, without

On World Health Day, FFT asks the government to commit to reducing health inequalities experienced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. Read More »

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