The T Code

The T code helps Gypsy and Traveller families to take their children out of school when travelling for work.

What does the T Code mean?

  • The T Code is outlined in the School Attendance Guidance.
  • It is specifically used to report the absence and attendance of children from Traveller families.
  • Traveller families can use it to take their children out of school.

When can I use the T code?

Your child must be a member of a Traveller community. This includes:

  • Irish and Scottish Travellers.
  • English and Welsh Gypsies.
  • Roma.
  • Showmen.
  • Circus people.
  • Bargees.
  • New Travellers.

They must have had a certain amount of attendance. Including:

  • Attending at least 200 school sessions in the past 12 months if they are over six years old.
  • One school day has two sessions.

You must be travelling for work and agree with the school beforehand.

  • This means moving from place to place for your job.
  • You do not have to provide proof to the school.

When can I not use the T Code?

  • You cannot use the T Code to take your child out of school for events like:
    • Weddings or funerals.
    • Different codes are needed for these absences.
  • The T Code cannot be used if someone other than the child’s parents is taking them travelling.

The process of using the T Code

  • Tell the school the dates you are travelling for work as early as possible.
  • The head teacher decides if the T Code can be used.
  • Traveller children are still expected to attend 380 sessions each school year.

Types of absence

  • You can be fined for unauthorised absence, if your child misses school without permission.
    • This can be up to £80 (rising to £160 if not paid within 21 days).
  • If the T Code is used correctly, it counts as an authorised absence.
    • This will affect attendance but you should not get a fine.

Changes to the T code

  • Some of the wording of the 2024 guidance has caused confusion.
  • The Department for Education have confirmed that:
    • The 'mobile child' only needs to be of no fixed abode whilst the parent is trading/working.
  • The definition of ‘no fixed abode’ under the new guidance means:
    • Someone either does not have a settled place where they can live full-time.
    • Or they have a place where they can live full-time but spend lots of time not living there.
  • This means that cam mobile child can include both:
    • A family who travels all year round as part of the work who has no permanent address.
    • And a child who has a fixed place to live but does not live there all year.

Dual registration

  • Choosing dual registration means your child can attend a different school while travelling.
  • They will still keep their place at their main school.
    • The one they have attended for the last 18 months.

What to do if you are having problems using the T code

Send the school a letter:

  •  If you told the school in advance that you were travelling for work, you can use our:
  • If there is confusion about changes to the T code, please use this letter:

If you are having difficulties, please contact the Friends, Families and Travellers helpline on 01273 234 777. We are open:

  • Monday to Friday
  • From 10.00am to 4.30pm
  • Closed on Bank Holidays

Correct as of August 2024.

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