Loan Sharks

Loan sharks are illegal money lenders. They lend money at very high interest rates and use strict, often scary ways to get their money back.

What you need to know

  • A loan shark is someone who lends money but charges very high interest rates.
    • High interest rates means you have to pay back more than you borrowed.
  • They are not legal lenders and do not follow the law.
  • Loan sharks often target people who can’t borrow money from banks or other safe places.

Why are they dangerous?

  • They make you pay back much more money than you borrowed.
  • If you can’t pay on time, they might threaten or hurt you.
  • They don’t use written agreements, so it’s hard to prove what you owe.

Signs of a loan shark

  • They make you pay back much more money than you borrowed.
  • If you can’t pay on time, they might threaten or hurt you.
  • They don’t use written agreements, so it’s hard to prove what you owe.

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, you might be dealing with a loan shark:

  • Did they offer you a cash loan?
  • Did you not receive any paperwork?
  • Did they charge a very high interest rate?
  • Have they threatened you?
  • Are you worried about others finding out you borrowed money?
  • Have they taken valuable items or documents from you?

Stop Loan Sharks

  • Service:
    • They investigate and take action against loan sharks.
    • Your information will be kept private.
    • They are not the Police: Always call 999 if you are in immediate danger.
  • Phone: 0300 555 2222
    • Open 24/7
  • Website and Live Chat: Stop Loan Sharks Live chat open:
    • Monday to Friday
    • 9.00am to 5.00pm

If you are having difficulties, please contact the Friends, Families and Travellers helpline on 01273 234 777. We are open:

  • Monday to Friday
  • From 10.00am to 4.30pm
  • Closed on Bank Holidays

Correct as of July 2024.

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