Find out how to home school your child.
Home education or 'elective home education' (EHE) means:
- Your child is educated at home instead of school.
- They are taught by their parent/guardian.
- They could also be taught by a private tutor.
- This could include reading, writing, maths and other subjects.
Why would I choose to home educate?
- Home education may well be more appropriate for Gypsy and Traveller families:
- Families are often very close knit.
- Bullying and racism may lead you to take your child out of school.
- Teaching can be more personalised and flexible.
- You do not have to teach your child specific subjects.
- You could do teaching outdoors if you would like.
- Special educational needs might mean that you home educate:
- This could be because it is the best option for your child.
- But you might feel like it is your only option.
- See this page for other educational options for children with SEN.
Tell the school
- If your child is in school you must tell the school of your plan to home educate.
- You can download our letter template here to use.
- The school must accept your decision if:
- You want your child to leave school completely.
- The school can choose to reject your plan if:
- You plan to have your child at school part-time (flexi-schooling),
Contact your local council
- You can ask your local council for help with home education.
- You do not need the council's permission to home educate unless:
- Your child has special educational needs (SEN).
- Your child is in school due to a school attendance order.
Legal requirements
- You must provide a full-time education for your child from age 5.
- You do not have to follow the national curriculum.
- Your local council may ask if you are home-schooling your child:
- You are legally obligated to tell them.
- They also may make ask to visit your home for an 'informal enquiry'.
- You do not have to allow visits.
Education Otherwise
- Service: Support and advice for parents who home educate their children.
- Email: [email protected].
- Telephone: 0300 124 5690:
- Open Monday to Friday
- 10.00am to 6.00pm
- Please note: Advice line and email are answered by volunteers.
- Hours and response time are depend on their availability.
If you are having difficulties, please contact the Friends, Families and Travellers helpline on 01273 234 777. We are open:
- Monday to Friday
- From 10.00am to 4.30pm
- Closed on Bank Holidays